

The Full Moon  arrives at 9 degrees of Scorpio on Sunday, April 29 at 8:58 PM EDT. 

A most tempestuous week has been upon us. Scorpio’s dual rulers, Mars and Pluto, have been in tight configuration. As these two planets are both passionate and volatile, they have been brilliantly priming us for Scorpio’s intensely demanding Full Moon activation.

This week has been an arduous warm up to an ensuing marathon of challenging all encompassing emotions. Let us run alongside them; keep up with them.  As they embark upon us, we in turn embark upon them. In the end, we celebrate a reunion of the abandoned parts of the self  that have only served to painfully estrange us from ourselves and each other. At this auspicious juncture, there is  profound opportunity to reclaim the lost lonely parts of ourselves that have been longing for recognition, acceptance, and expression.

The Scorpio Full Moon arrives with the continuance of the Mars – Pluto alignment. This is a perfect storm. Mars, Pluto, and the Scorpio Moon combined, initiate volatility and passion of volcanic proportions. Whether we are feeling it inwardly toward ourselves or find ourselves embroiled with personal, family, and professional relationships, these intense conflicts, both inner and outer, are serving to awaken our inner Rip Van Winkle. Deep dimensions of the self have been long asleep. This awakening may feel like the platonic plates of our lives are shifting beneath our toes; they are.  A transformational event of significant proportion is about to hatch from the pain of this current hardship. We have felt it coming. The universe has been providing portents along the way.

We may not recognize ourselves or our lives once we rise to the challenge of this breakthrough. Where Scorpio and Pluto are concerned, the only choice that we do have is how we will respond to the inevitable. We can ride the wave of the acceptance of conscious transformation or drown in the rip tide of unconscious stagnation.

Scorpio The Scorpion is a feminine fixed water sign, ruled by Mars and Pluto. The Scorpion is a primordial creature. Scorpio rules death, transformation, transmutation, regeneration, depth psychology, the shadow of the human psyche, sex, intensity, secrecy, privacy, deep emotion, the occult and power. Archetypes for the sign of Scorpio are The Transformer, The Detective, The Sorcerer, The Hypnotist, The Alchemist, and The Witch.

We are the phoenix rising from the ashes. We are the snake shedding it’s old skin in order to give birth to a new tender yet tenacious skin. We are the eagle soaring to great heights, with a complete perspective of the landscape below. All within the realm of Scorpio, these mythological and nature images serve to show us the spirituous tasks that Scorpio has set before us. Power as we know it, is irrevocably transmuted.

Scorpio invites us to deeply enter the caverns of our psyche. We are vigilantly crawling on hands and knees along the narrow path that we must traverse. We need to look above and below; from within and without. There is no map. Practical vision serves no purpose in the darkness. Only our own heart can navigate the stormy underworld of dark emotion. They emanate from the present life and multiple lifetimes past. Scorpio is the emotional memory keeper of our soul’s evolution.

The Scorpio Full Moon is one of the most challenging lunar cycles of the year. And yet, it offers the most profound opportunity for delving into our inner darkness in order to dig for the buried treasure which contains the pure gold of our true nature. According to A Course In Miracles, darkness is the absence of light; fear is the absence of love. This interval of time, over the next three days, we can remove our full coat of armor and present ourselves to the self; unshielded, unguarded, naked as a new born baby; so that we may strip away that which holds us captive. There are quite a few of us within who are longing to reunite. Allow for the reunion.

Wherever Scorpio resides in your chart is where you are a transformation agent for fellow travelers.

Become a fire walker. Build your own funeral pyre. Dance in the flames.

If you were a super hero, which magical power would you choose? Know that you possess this now.


“Transformation means literally going beyond your form.” ~ Wayne Dyer ~

“Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one.” 

~Marianne Williamson ~

“Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity ” ~  Carl Jung ~

So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing. ~ T.S. Eliot ~


Photo By John Fowler from Placitas, NM, USA – GG Holy Ghost Panel

New Moon In Pisces: Swimming Upstream

The New Moon  arrives at 26 degrees of Pisces on Saturday, March 17 at 9:11 AM EDT. 

New Moons are a time in which to plant seeds of mindful intention. The darkness is an optimal time for watchful introspection. As we delve within the deeper dimensions of the self, we are honed with New Moon subjective awareness, facilitating a fresh approach to begin anew within an area of our lives. The New Moon encourages us to become our own best friend as the self intimately communes with the self.

Even during the dark of the Moon, we know that she is there. And after all, the darkness allows the stars to brightly shine forth in their full magnificence.  The Moon graciously allows for their spectacle when it is not her time to shine.

As the outer light of the Moon is not visible to us, it is an optimal time in which to recognize our inner glow. Soon, when the light slowly begins to wax, we will gradually emerge from the darkness, for the ever increasing light brings forth yet another facet of our life, heightened by New Moon subjective experience which in turn imbues us with sage awareness.

Life is like an ouroboros. Pisces The Fishes reminds us of this as two fish swim in circular motion, navigating both beginning and ending cycles with fluidity and grace. We are each the head and the tail. We circulate within the realm of our inner and outer worlds. Upon the completion of one cycle, we find ourselves at the beginning of another. Each lunation blesses us with the opportunity for ever increasing consciousness, for we are imbued with layer upon layer of visionary expansion that serves to assist us on the next lap of our journey.

Pisces The Fishes is a mutable feminine earth sign ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. The qualities of Pisces include compassion, empathy, artistry, sensitivity, otherworldliness, imagination, emotionality, psychic ability, and attunement to the collective. The shadow realm of Pisces includes martyrdom, a redeemer complex, escapism, victim consciousness, lack of personal boundaries, and rose colored glasses syndrome. Pisces embraces the archeypes of The Dreamer, The Mystic, and The Shapeshifter.

Pisces possesses an instinctive awareness of the higher dimensions of consciousness, thus feeling both the woes and ecstasies of the world. Pisces strives for a state of transcendence, possessing an inherent tempermental make-up in which to attain this.

Pisces embraces the unity of all beings as ONE.  We are in this oceanic life togther, swimming for our lives, often against the currents which are pulling us back into the depths of despair and loneliness. Before we are able to break free of the current, we must sometimes allow ourselves to become submerged by the forces of cosmic gravity in order to feel what has been self-rejected so that we may swim through the turbulent currents resurfacing with efficacious healing and a newly discovered source of enlivenment.

Chiron The Wounded Healer is also in Pisces, closely accompanying the New Moon. Our woundedness may feel more palpable. Chiron is a powerful ally despite its challenges. He helps us to move more deeply into that which feels unhealable. Within this very space of our soul, we find the path to our own healing, which ultimately contributes to the healing of this world.

Wherever there is a preponderance of Pisces in your star chart, there is immersion into the oceanic depths of intense emotion and heightened sensitivy. Within this area of our natal pattern, we are invited to welcome the tender parts of ourselves, knowing that within this layer of vulnerability lies great strength. Vulnerability is a product of courage. Our invitation allows for its sentient presence, thus facilitating our own inherent ability to commne with unconditional love for ourselves and for others. When we reject or repress this vulnerability, we find ourselves flailing in an emotional spiral of tidal proportions. These turbulent emotions often leave us in states of pain, confusion and disorientation. Self-alienation emanates from fearful refusal to allow ourselves to free fall. There is a soft landing place within one’s own heart.  Upon arrival, we open our hearts to ourselves.  In doing so, we find within, the elemental water realm of receptivity. As we resonate with this state of fluidity, there is an outpouring of love.

Dive deep. Greet the creatures from the depths of time. Breaking the surface you will once again  behold the stars.

Pisces New Moon Blessings Upon You.

“The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it.”  ~Nicholas Sparks, At First Sight ~

But pain’s like water. It finds a way to push through any seal. There’s no way to stop it. Sometimes you have to let yourself sink inside of it before you can learn how to swim to the surface.”  ~ Katie Kacvinsky ~

Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive.”  ~ Charlotte Bronte ~


CAPRICORN NEW MOON: Climb Every Mountain



The New Moon arrives at 26 degrees of Capricorn on Tuesday, January 16 at 9:17 PM EST. 

We all long for something new. While each and every moment offers us something fresh in the form of awareness and experience, it is paramount for us to recognize when there is an actual beginning cycle occurring within the cosmos; for it is within this auspicious time frame that we plant ardent seeds of intention; seeds that can grow into the tallest Redwood.

The first New Moon of the New Year promises to be one of grounded breakthrough. We are in a time of strong Capricornian energy, as coinciding with this New Moon we have accompanying potent Capricorn placements which include Venus, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto! We are now living among a small herd of cosmic Sea-Goats, swimming the vast ocean of emotion while scaling with persistence toward the pinnacles of our lives with great determination and the conviction of our spiritual and material goals. We are ardent and tenacious.

When there is a strong profusion of one sign, we are gifted with the opportunity to embrace and more fully realize that sign within a specific region of our star charts. There is heightened desire and focused will to manifest that particular area of our lives with dedication, determination, and discipline. Paramount to this process is integrity.

Capricorn The Sea-Goat is a cardinal feminine earth sign. The qualities of Capricorn include integrity, responsibility, loyalty, dutifulness, melancholy, tenacity, leadership, seriousness, aloneness, wisdom, and fortitude. Capricorn embraces the archetypes of The Wise Elder, The Builder, The Hermit, and The Father.

Saturn recently entered Capricorn. As the ruler of Capricorn, Saturn’s expression through it’s own sign is potent and life affirming in highly constructive and practical ways. In short, the Capricorn New Moon provides a pristine foundation for what we are striving toward, both inwardly and outwardly in the year before us.

Uranus’s challenging yet enlightening relationship to this New Moon catapults us into the depths of Capricorn, imbuing this dutiful earth sign with a sense of unbounded freedom, informing us of our true and inherent make-up as both human and spiritual beings. Within the highly vibrational electric sparks of Uranus’s accompaniment to the New Moon, lies a strong foundational earth-sky centered awareness that we as human beings can fully access. Our awareness of this is ripened as we decipher a fuller more embodied understanding that we are not completely of this world. In essence, we are both worldly and otherworldly. As we breathe through multiple dimensions, we traverse the path with our feet planted lightly yet firmly upon sacred ground while simultaneously stepping high toward the heavenly peaks of our soul’s longing.

While we marvel at the mountainous peaks from afar, there is nothing better than beholding them in close view. As we climb the continuous mountain ranges of our lives, each summit offers yet another peak to scale. We keep climbing.  As human beings there is no final destination. As spiritual beings, the sky’s the limit.

Welcome to Heaven and to Earth.


“After climbing a great hill, one finds that there are many more hills to climb.” ~ Nelson Mandela ~

“Go into yourself and see how deep the place is from which your life flows.” ~Rainer Maria Rilke ~

“Climbing is as close as we come to flying.” ~ George Eliot ~



This writing is dedicated to The Divine Mother. May we know her. May she guide our emotions as they flow into the current of oceanic love. 

The Super Full Moon arrives at 11 degrees of Cancer on Monday, January 1 at 9:24 PM EST.

What better way to start the New Year than with a Full Super Moon in all of her  luminescence? Warmth and radiance pour forth. We are standing in the spotlight of our own illumination.

A supermoon is a term coined in modern astrology to define an event in which a Full Moon makes the closest approach to the Earth on its elliptical orbit. During such events, like the tides, our emotions run high and strong. We have been swimming vigorously through whirlpools of tears; both of joy and of sorrow. Propelled by our awareness of the fragility of life, our feelings are washed ashore. We greet them at the shoreline.

As Moon ruled Cancer is the quintessential sign of pure emotional sensitivity; our emotions are immeasurably heightened. We have pristine vision of our personal palette of sentiment that perhaps has been invisible to us in the past.  Our very beings are an array of love, joy, hope, anticipation, sorrow, regret, and the daunting awareness that time is ever fleeting. We vow to cherish each and every moment. We treasure the precious people in our lives. Every-thing and every-one become even more meaningful to us. The gates of our hearts are swung more fully open.

Life looms large at The New Year. Life looms even greater during a Super Full Moon. As we combine these events, there is a sacred marriage in service to our own spiritual purification.

We think of beginning anew at the New Moon, and yet, this Full Moon is a pure beginning.  As we enter the New Year infused with our own sentience, we emerge from a place of confusion into an enlightened emotional landscape. This lunation takes us to a highly elevated juncture; a towering precipice from which to leap into the oceanic waters of Divine Love. We have been swimming vigorously through whirlpools of multifaceted tears propelled by our awareness of the fragility of life. Now, our feelings are washed ashore. We greet them at the shoreline.

Cancer is a cardinal feminine water sign ruled by the Moon. Therefore, this Cancer Moon is right at home within her own rulership. The significant facets of this sign are emotions, tenderness, home, family, children, tradition, mother, healing, connection and the nurturing of self and others. Cancer’s archetypes are The Mother, The Healer, and The Invisible One.

The softness of this time is imbued with a Grand Water Trine from the Moon to Neptune to Mars-Jupiter and back to the Moon. Trines are geometric forms comprising a perfect triangle. They are beacons of flow and ease and grace. Water is the element of emotion, empathy, compassion, receptivity, and psychic sensitivity. This Mother of all Moons is keeping kind company with her planetary companions. As they accompany her, they too are assisting us so that we may access the Divine Feminine within as we embrace all that is Yin. As we soften, we open our arms and graciously receive.

Much has been settled within us. As the waters calm, there is a new seascape of the life which flows forth. Tears may spill. Let them flow. Tears cleanse our perception. Perception is our window to the world.

Light transcendant is cast upon our path; a moonglow like no other.

The Moon is within our reach. We only have to reach within.

Cancer Super Full Moon Blessings Upon You.

“Don’t drink at the water’s edge, throw yourself in. Become the water. Only then will your thirst be quenched.” ~ Jeannette Berson ~ 

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart”  ~ Helen Keller ~

“But feelings can’t be ignored, no matter how unjust or ungrateful they seem.”  ~ Anne Frank ~



SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON: Believing is Seeing

The New Moon arrives at 26 degrees of Sagittarius on Monday, December 18 at 1:30 AM EST. 

In the grand scheme of life’s magnificent panorama of experience, we are granted numerous cycles in which to begin anew. No matter the size and length of the cycle, each one is potent; portending opportunity for growth and transformation. Each one has it’s own planetary themes, style, flavor, and characteristics; all of which speak to specific areas of one’s life as well as to particular dimensions of one’s psyche. The New Moon is one such cycle; one which falls into the microcosmic scheme of cyclical events. However short this cycle may be, it is no small matter. Less is more.

New Moon consciousness is quiet. All the more better for us to hear. But first, we have to listen. The small still voice within has something to say.

While Sagittarian expression is quite expansive and profusive, our inner voice is speaking more boldly through the quiet atmosphere. There is a lot to say. This time is as expansive as the Milky Way, for this New Moon appears in The Galactic Center, a most powerful and auspicious space in the galaxy known by astrologers as The Gateway to God.  Accompanied by Mercury, Venus and Saturn, this magnificent alignment ushers in waves of optimism and visionary gifts of manifestation. This outstanding lunation appears just before the Winter Solstice and the ingress of Saturn into Capricorn. These happenings are momentous in nature; each one in and of itself a harbinger of change. We have the enthusiasm and optimism of Sagittarius as well as the somber and melancholy mood of Capricorn and Saturn; quite the recipe for the balancing of opposites in which we reconcile our faith and happiness with our more cautionary and melancholic nature.

In the background, the cosmic cheerleaders are chanting us on to take the leap from the precipice of this mountainous plateau at which we have finally arrived after the strenuous climb from the ground of our human limitations. We have arrived at the peak of spiritual awakening. An auspicious moment. We see the light. We don’t know what is ahead. We do know that the rewards of our arduous inner and outer work are coming to fruition. Perhaps for the first time in a long while, we have faith. We believe in ourselves. The Divine has shown it’s holy face. Our sense of forsakenness has dissipated.

Consciousness is stirred anew during the dark sky of a New Moon. As we approach the shortest day of the year, the darkness is deeper and thicker.  The main themes are beginnings, endings, and faith. As we cultivate this faith, envisioning what we wish to manifest in our lives on all levels, we see our dreams come to fruition. Dreams do come true. It may sound Pollyanna. She was on to something. Our thoughts and beliefs do create our reality. What we believe is what we see.

It takes intimate communion with self and deep concentration in order to penetrate the karmic levels of our being which reside unconsciously in order to break through to the manifestation of our dreams. With the expansion of Sagittarius and the contraction of Capricorn, the stillness of the Winter Solstice can help us to congeal these polarities with both grounded faith and solid wisdom.

Sagittarius The Centaur is a mutable fire sign ruled by Jupiter. Sagittarius rules optimism, advanced education, exploration, adventure, foreign travel, astral travel, intuition, religion, faith, the higher mind, learning, seeking, and expansion. The archetypes for Sagittarius include The Student, The Gypsy, and The Philosopher.

As we consider the symbol of Sagittarius, we can see half horse and half human, shooting his arrow into the sky not knowing where it will land. It is an act of pure faith. The archer could quite possibly miss the mark. And yet, with head held high, he aims his arrow into the heavens with the faith that it will land on the path to his destiny. There is encompassed within this figure both animal nature and spiritual nature. If ever there was a time in which to embrace ourselves as spiritual beings having a human experience, it is within this very moment.

Shoot your arrow into the heavens tied with a note of your deepest longing. Know that an angel will make the perfect catch and grant your wish. Embark upon an ecstatic gallop from the place in which you were once tethered.

Sagittarius New Moon Blessings Upon You.

The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or a hostile universe.”

~ Albert Einstein ~

“Faithless is he who says farewell when the road darkens.” ~J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship Of The Ring

“You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt ~






The New Moon arrives at 26 degrees of Scorpio on Saturday, November 18 at 6:42 AM EST. 

We are presented over and over again with profound opportunity to begin anew. There is tremendous comfort in this. As we begin a new lunar cycle, I find myself reflecting upon what I wish to bring into consciousness during this deep and mysterious New Moon in Scorpio. New Moons present a personal venue for inner intimacy.  As the Sun and Moon are aligned with each other, the energy is potent and concentrated. We are blessed with an opportunity for quietude.  An inner monologue longs to be written and expressed. How will we set our internal stage?

At this juncture, Scorpio the Scorpion is inviting us to dive into the deep well of inner darkness, for it is within these depths of consciousness that transformation of the highest order awaits us.

Scorpio The Scorpian is a fixed water sign, ruled by Mars and Pluto. The qualities of death, transformation, depth, darkness, intensity, power, passion, faithfulness, bravery, and focus are ever present to us as we embark upon the inner quest. Scorpio embodies the archetypes of The Detective, The Sorcerer, The Hypnotist, and The Transformer.

The Scorpian is not a pretty creature. And yet, it is beautiful.

Wherever Scorpio resides in our natal chart is where we fully embody the darkness. It is an area of profound personal power. This realm of our deepest wounding offers tremendous opportunity for transformation within this lifetime. And yet, it can act as a blind spot that lives in exile from our greater wholeness. At this time we have the will,  the vision, the capacity and the courage to face our darkness, our human shadow: that which we deem unlovable.

This place is one in which we have perhaps neglected to inhabit. It is a realm of difficult psychic, emotional, psychological and spiritual matter. While it is an area of the psyche that we have neglected, for it can feel like just too much to face and feel, this very area of trepidation is powerful beyond measure. When these emotions are faced and felt, we rise from the ashes like the phoenix, a powerful mythological symbol closely aligned with Scorpio. We die in order to be born anew.

We may find ourselves undergoing deep alchemical processes whereby transformation, transmutation and transfiguration are means for transport from the uncomfortable inner complacency which has been longing for recognition and release. Herein, beneath the darkness, lies the true gold of our inherent nature, our divine essence; the purest and highest expression of the true self.

What area of your life has reached a place of completion? Do you feel a kind of death to your old self? Can you release to the light that which no longer serves your highest good? Where do you need to take a risk? Can you recognize the dark emotions through a lens of love? Where are you meeting the shadow in the outer world and with whom? Can you behold your deepest wound as the source of your greatest gift?

The darkness is a sacred chamber.

Enter the chamber.

Your dark angel awaits you.


The sacred chamber is your heart.

New Scorpio Moon Blessings Upon You.

“The ally we must cultivate is the part of our enemy which knows the truth.” ~Mahatma Gandhi ~

“Every moment of light and dark is a miracle. ” ~Walt Whitman ~

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; Only Love can do that. ~ Martin Luther King ~

“I must also have a dark side if I am to be whole.” ~ Carl Jung ~



















TAURUS FULL MOON: Standing Our Ground

The mantram of the astrologer is: AS ABOVE, SO BELOW.  This is my prayer, my incantation; as I serve to translate the divine urging of this sacred juncture that is set before us. 

The Super Full Moon arrives at 11 degrees of Taurus on Saturday, November 4 at 1:22 AM EDT.

Full Moons carry with them lore, magic, mystery, and sometimes even mayhem. These precious facets of life express themselves in our outer world as well as within our own interior. As we embrace this earthy sensual Full Moon in Taurus, we are reminded that the awakening of our true values is upon us. The full spectrum light of the Sun casts his glorious rays upon the Moon. The pie in the sky serves as a luminous telescopic lens focused precisely upon this point in time within our lives, appearing in a personal realm that is primed and ready for realization and awakening. This Full Moon is both grounded and expansive. So plant your feel on the ground and let your spirit soar!

As with all lunar cycles, there is a potpourri of planetary delights that mix together on one splendid table in which to dine from. Some planets may express in the form of something highly delectable, while others may present a sort of indigestion. Our attitudinal stance toward whatever we are facing will determine the quality of experience for our divine awakening.

As the Sun and the Moon face each other, we face ourselves. The cosmos is a reflection of our true nature within a sacred sector of the vast panorama of our lives.

While we are in the lunar season of Taurus, we meet it’s opposite sign; as we are at the same time in the solar season of Scorpio. Both are coupled within their very diametrically opposed expression.  We are called to dive deeply within our psyches to meet and greet those neglected aspects and qualities of our inherent nature; for Scorpio rules all things felt deeply which are buried and hidden. When we embrace the dark side of our human nature, we discover the buried treasure of our inherent being. The Taurus Full Moon is assisting us with practical grounding and the provision of earthy human comfort throughout the healing process.

This Full Moon is most spectacular as it is a Super Moon, whose appearance will loom ever so large above the earth, exercising a more powerful influence upon us. The magnetic fields upon the earth are amplified as well as our own emotional state of being. Additionally, when the Moon is in Taurus, it is in what is known as an exaltation. While exalted, the expression of the Moon is endowed with highly evolved qualities of both the Moon and Taurus.  Taking all of this into consideration, we are blessed with an extraordinary Full Moon!

As if this were not enough, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, optimism, faith, and enthusiasm, is deeply engaged with both Sun and Moon. We are graced with new vision and the opportunity to rise above all that has weighed us down. Hurting hearts gather reprieve at this time as unveiled wounds reveal the bounty of our true value.

Taurus The Bull, is a fixed earth sign ruled by Venus. The archetypes of Taurus are The Builder, The Earth Spirit, The Musician, and The Quiet One. Taurus rules the qualities and characteristics of peacefulness, presence, mindfulness, groundedness, values, self-value, aesthetic appreciation, security, engagement and commitment to the earth, and highly developed senses. As Taurus is the quintessential earth sign, it is highly attuned to the earth, acting as a steward and cultivator of life in it’s myriad forms.

Taurus longs for security. Tune into your values and live by them; for that is where security lies. Value yourself; for you are valuable. When we adhere to our values, a true and ardent life unfolds before us.

Commune with the earth. Behold the splendor of the leaves. Welcome the nakedness of change.

We are leaving a period of time in which we have been communing deeply with the wounds of our soul. We have allowed them more fully into consciousness. Even wounds do not want to be left out. The Moon is the steward of our wounds. Release them to the Moon. Allow for their departure. They are angels who have just received their wings.


“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope or confidence.”  ~Helen Keller ~

“I felt your heart in darkness, a full moon, Hauling mine to it like a tide.” ~ Eavan Boland ~

” The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” ~ John Muir ~


ARIES FULL MOON: The Courage To Be

As I write this, my heart is filled with sorrow. I devote this writing to all beings who have lost their lives and to those who have lost loved ones and in the throes of immense suffering. 

The Full Moon arrives at 12 degrees of Aries on Thursday, October 5 at 2:40 PM EDT.

Each Full Moon has their own mood, color, timbre, and song. During this Aries Full Moon, the mood is angry. The color is red. The timbre is harsh. The song is courageous.

 Full Moon cycles are captivating. They capture us. While in the midst of this revelatory cycle, we cannot hide. Nor can  pertinent matters remain hidden from us. A spotlight shines upon the spectacle of life. Illumination, insight, and discovery are driven by the energy of lunar ebullience. Sometimes, what we discover is not pleasant. And yet, it takes reconciliation of both light and shadow to serve and enhance personal healing and expansion of the soul.

This is a time in which to face and honor ourselves and each other. In essence, The Aries Full Moon is urging us to engage with the full capacity of our inherent being-ness.

These are passionate and intense times. The Aries Full Moon serves to heighten the collective mood. Volatile scenes are playing out upon the global screen. We are experiencing drama on the interior level as well.

Aries The Ram is a cardinal fire sign ruled by Mars. Aries embodies the archetypes of The Warrior, The Pioneer, and The Loner. The qualities of Aries include courage, instinctiveness, assertiveness, passion, enthusiasm, individuality, innovativeness, creativity and leadership.  When Aries is immersed in the lower vibrations, it expresses as immaturity, impatience, selfishness, anger, violence, arrogance, recklessness, and tyranny. When we are willing to embrace both the shadow and the light of our sacred being-ness, we become primed for true transformation layered with intimate compassion for both self and others in recognition of the complexity of being human.

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries speaks to our primal instincts. As a mountainous creature, The Ram is no stranger to going it alone, forging its own path, and leading the way for others.

Wherever Aries resides in your natal chart is a distinct area in which you go it alone, and in doing so, deeply experience your individuality within the center of your solitude. It is a place in which to commune with your authentic being. It is an area where perhaps no other will be able to reconcile your stance.  As we inhabit this lonely place, we discover who we are.  The Aries Full Moon is urging us to engage with the total capacity of our inherent being-ness. In doing so, we embrace all that resides within us; the good, the bad, and the ugly. This takes nothing less than courage.

It takes courage to be. Self-repression leads to volatility. We cannot expect others to recognize us if we do not first recognize ourselves. As Aries represents our individual self, any negligence of one’s  true essence will only express both outwardly and inwardly as anger.  Self-repression leads to volatility.

Concentrated self-reflection is the key. We may think of reflecting upon the self as a peaceful venture. And yet, self- reflection also requires us to traverse the hot, fiery, aggressive, and angry aspects of our psyches. We are after all, human. Whether we are unleashing negative behaviors upon others or the outer world or not, we are still in a way inflicting upon ourselves the violence of our own anger in the form of inner turbulence, thus causing tremendous suffering. This suffering presents itself as unmitigated anxiety; which at it’s core, is repressed aggression.

The question therefore is: How do we safely and creatively transform our aggression in a transformative manner which moves us through to the other side where our higher self resides, allowing us to engage in pure expression of love?

When we recognize and embrace our being-ness, we will discover nothing less than the expression of our instinctual brilliance.

Be brave for yourself. Be brave for each other.

Just be.

Aries Full Moon Blessings Upon You.

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, “I lived through this horror, I can take the next thing that comes along.” You must do the thing you think you cannot do. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt ~

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. ” ~ E.E. Cummings ~

“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.” ~ Maya Angelou ~


VIRGO NEW MOON: The Gift In The Wound

The New Moon  arrives at 27 degrees of Virgo on Wednesday, September 20 at 1:29 AM EDT.

When we gaze upon the night sky of a New Moon, we see no Moon. The sky is dark as dark can be. While the Moon is there, we cannot see her. And yet, in a display of translucence, the stars are shining forth more brightly than any other time of the month. Without the darkness, we cannot see these glistening jewels. Their only recognition can be met without the reflection of the Sun. Certain gifts are only had in darkness.

The New Moon holds all of the clues; clues which only we can recognize, ascertain, and assimilate. A New Moon is the quintessential time in which to embrace our own subjective consciousness.  At the dawn of a new lunar cycle, our higher self gently speaks to us as the small still voice within. Listen.

The New Virgo Moon is accompanied closely by Chiron, The Wounded Healer. These current cosmic companions offer renewed opportunity to befriend our wounds. They are aching and throbbing and longing for relief. They are yearning to be seen, heard, and felt; rather than perceived. For perception is often false.

The Wounded Healer is a powerful archetype often resisted and repressed. As we strive to heal and overcome our emotional and physical pain, the gifts of the wound are easily eluded.  In the wake of this powerful three day interval of  time in which we are offered paramount understanding, we have an opportunity to feel into the areas where we have felt we will never heal. These are the exact places in which we offer potent balm in facilitating the healing of those wounds in another.

Virgo The Virgin is a mutable earth sign ruled by Mercury. Virgo is grounded, kind, patient, helpful, detail oriented, perfectionistic, critical, careful, and astute. There is an admirable quality of independence which often goes overlooked where Virgo is concerned. The Virgin is often associated with purity, chastity and self-denial. The origin of the word “virgin” means “complete unto oneself.” Thus, Virgo has powerful tools within a vast stockade of inner strength. When there is a crisis, Virgo calmly knows the art of intervention with precise attunement to details and tremendous discriminatory powers regarding the order of care pertaining to the situation. Virgo knows how to separate the wheat from the chafe. No stone goes unturned.

While every sign has it’s evolved manifestations, there is also a shadow realm to contend with. For Virgo, it is a propensity for criticism. Virgo can be quite critical of others, even if only within their own mind, yet they are never so critical of anyone as much as they are of themselves. While an emphasis of self-criticism can be painfully destructive, it is in its best sense the impetus for excellence in word and deed.

Virgo is the connoisseur for alchemizing the base of our wounded nature into the pure gold of our higher self. In doing so, we are primed as healers and beings of service to others. At this juncture, if we are courageous, we will discover the universal elixir.

Wherever Virgo resides in your natal chart is an area in which you will feel a sense of depth and renewal at this time. It is where your capacity for healing and service reside. It is an area in which you demand much perfection of yourself. Turn here, for this is where Virgo is your personal guide to the underworld of your wounded self.

Take the journey. The path is everywhere. Hold someone’s hand along the way. Hold your own. Look up into the darkness of the night sky and count the stars.For as many stars as you can count, there are gifts to behold. Feel them.

Virgo New Moon Blessings Upon You.

“Turn your wounds into wisdom.” ~ Oprah Winfrey ~

“Spirituality is about what we do with our pain.” ~  Richard Rohr ~ 

“Where we stumble and fall is where we find pure gold.” ~ Carl Jung ~

“The gift is in the wound.” ~ Alice Miller ~

“A hero is one who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” ~ Joseph Campbell ~




The Full Moon  arrives at 13 degrees of Pisces on Wednesday, September 6 at 3:02 AM EDT

As I write, I find myself somewhat at a loss for words. The Pisces Full Moon experience is fathomless and when accompanied by it’s ruler Neptune, as this Full Moon is, it is difficult to articulate the depth of emotion and otherworldly associations that we are experiencing at this time.

As with any lunar cycle, there is a fleet of planets accompanying the Moon, imbuing her with layers of cavernous depth. These planetary travelers serve to further assist our navigation through this time. Each planet is a spaceship unto itself; a part of the planetary gestalt sailing the cosmos.

At this juncture, the guest of honor is Neptune; an embodiment of the invisible, the numinous, the sacred, the transcendent, The Divine. This is a most propitious moment in which to access the immense sensitivity residing in our emotional body that we as sentient beings inhabit. There is no escaping it. We are as open as a cloudless sky.

This is the first Full Moon following the intense eclipse cycle of the last New Moon and Full Moon. One would think that we are getting a bit of a break, however, we are in the thick of things. Eclipse cycles last far longer than their actual events. We are now  integrating and synthesizing all that has emerged both internally and externally during the recent eclipses. This is a time of reckoning. The only manner in which to reconcile the astronomical shape shifting of our psyches and of our lives is to surrender. Surrender to the Unknown.  Surrender to the Self. Surrender to Emotion. Surrender to the Divine.

There is no amount of personal will that can navigate this increment of time. Time is navigating us. We have expanded beyond intellectual understanding. All we can do is breath and let grace lead the way. We have to once again, find our legs. And right now, our legs are treading the watery realm of Pisces The Fishes. So tread, and swim, and paddle. Make sure that you come up for air. Pisces reminds us of our oceanic nature.  By delving deeply into the mysterious realm that we now inhabit, we align with  ourselves as we are lead into the next chapter of our soul’s unfolding.

We are releasing the hardened molds of self-definition that we have been living out thus far, only to find that we as we have known ourselves, are no longer. The ego is dissipating. The ground beneath our feet feels like a rip tide pulling us away from shore.  Just let go. We will eventually wash ashore in a new land where we will greet an awakened self.

Change is not always visible. Change also takes place within the invisible realms of our being. The soul, the psyche, and the heart are being put through their paces. There may be something that is bubbling on the surface of your mind, a matter which you believed you had put to rest long ago, but now is revisiting with persistent yet gentle intensity. Breath into it.

This is a tender time. As a time of expanded compassion, shower some upon yourself.  Allow yourself to dream. Cry. Forgive. Create. Pray. Visualize. Listen to Music. Commune with Nature; all facets of the Neptunian realm.

But mostly; just surrender.

Pisces Full Moon Blessings Upon You.

“I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had no where else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day.” ~ Abraham Lincoln ~

“Always say “yes” to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is? what could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say “yes” to life — and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.”
~ Eckhart Tolle ~

“Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love. We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us. The world changes when we change. the world softens when we soften. The world loves us when we choose to love the world.” ~ Marianne Williamson ~