The Full Moon arrives at 13 degrees of Pisces on Wednesday, September 6 at 3:02 AM EDT
As I write, I find myself somewhat at a loss for words. The Pisces Full Moon experience is fathomless and when accompanied by it’s ruler Neptune, as this Full Moon is, it is difficult to articulate the depth of emotion and otherworldly associations that we are experiencing at this time.
As with any lunar cycle, there is a fleet of planets accompanying the Moon, imbuing her with layers of cavernous depth. These planetary travelers serve to further assist our navigation through this time. Each planet is a spaceship unto itself; a part of the planetary gestalt sailing the cosmos.
At this juncture, the guest of honor is Neptune; an embodiment of the invisible, the numinous, the sacred, the transcendent, The Divine. This is a most propitious moment in which to access the immense sensitivity residing in our emotional body that we as sentient beings inhabit. There is no escaping it. We are as open as a cloudless sky.
This is the first Full Moon following the intense eclipse cycle of the last New Moon and Full Moon. One would think that we are getting a bit of a break, however, we are in the thick of things. Eclipse cycles last far longer than their actual events. We are now integrating and synthesizing all that has emerged both internally and externally during the recent eclipses. This is a time of reckoning. The only manner in which to reconcile the astronomical shape shifting of our psyches and of our lives is to surrender. Surrender to the Unknown. Surrender to the Self. Surrender to Emotion. Surrender to the Divine.
There is no amount of personal will that can navigate this increment of time. Time is navigating us. We have expanded beyond intellectual understanding. All we can do is breath and let grace lead the way. We have to once again, find our legs. And right now, our legs are treading the watery realm of Pisces The Fishes. So tread, and swim, and paddle. Make sure that you come up for air. Pisces reminds us of our oceanic nature. By delving deeply into the mysterious realm that we now inhabit, we align with ourselves as we are lead into the next chapter of our soul’s unfolding.
We are releasing the hardened molds of self-definition that we have been living out thus far, only to find that we as we have known ourselves, are no longer. The ego is dissipating. The ground beneath our feet feels like a rip tide pulling us away from shore. Just let go. We will eventually wash ashore in a new land where we will greet an awakened self.
Change is not always visible. Change also takes place within the invisible realms of our being. The soul, the psyche, and the heart are being put through their paces. There may be something that is bubbling on the surface of your mind, a matter which you believed you had put to rest long ago, but now is revisiting with persistent yet gentle intensity. Breath into it.
This is a tender time. As a time of expanded compassion, shower some upon yourself. Allow yourself to dream. Cry. Forgive. Create. Pray. Visualize. Listen to Music. Commune with Nature; all facets of the Neptunian realm.
But mostly; just surrender.
Pisces Full Moon Blessings Upon You.
“I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had no where else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day.” ~ Abraham Lincoln ~
“Always say “yes” to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is? what could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say “yes” to life — and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.”
~ Eckhart Tolle ~
“Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love. We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us. The world changes when we change. the world softens when we soften. The world loves us when we choose to love the world.” ~ Marianne Williamson ~
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