SUPER GEMINI FULL MOON: Compassionate Communication

AS ABOVE, SO BELOWAs the universe, so are we.

The Super Full Moon in Gemini arrives at 11 degrees of Gemini on Sunday, December 3 at 10:46 AM EST. 

In the grand scheme of life, the Moon exemplifies a constancy which often goes unseen in this ever changing world. The Moon is always there, even in the darkness of its newness. When the Moon is full, we are full as well. When we tap into the inner most sanctum of our consciousness, the once dormant nature of our fullness reveals itself as a celebration of something innately present, long withheld from recognition and expression.  Awareness precedes transformation.

The inception of this revelation began at the New Moon, where seeds of intention were firmly planted in the rich soil of of our being. At this juncture, The Super Gemini Full Moon looms ever larger and brighter with an ebullience that symbolically exemplifies an exalted facet of our nature. We in turn experience an inner magnificence that beams with the luminosity of the soul’s true essence.

Wherever Gemini resides within your natal chart there is profound opportunity for the channeling of exquisite awareness and open communication.

Gemini is exemplary of the reconciliation of opposites, thus possessing an innate ability to facilitate unified consciousness in the face of a society that operates within a field of duality. As oppositional perspective is paramount to the suffering and hostility that abounds in this complicated and conflicted societal milieu, Gemini consciousness constitutes an unfettered awareness of opposites fueled by compassionate perspective. Gemini has a facile ability to be-hold all of it; thus hold all of it. When operating at it’s evolved level of expression, Gemini inspires us to see the bigger picture, behold the other; hence invoking a new humanistic landscape that will emerge when the dust of destructive duality settles into a field of unconditional unity.

Gemini The Twins is a mutable air sign ruled by Mercury. The enlightened qualities of Gemini are adaptability, versatility, charisma, vivaciousness, intellectualism, curiosity, self-expressiveness, communicativeness, independence, self-education, playfulness, humor, and wittiness. As the esoteric ruler of Gemini is Venus, Gemini is characterized as having a strong love vibration.

As with all of the signs of the zodiac with their unique and varied expressions, there is a spectrum from which they operate depending upon the development of the individual’s personality and soul. The less evolved characteristics of Gemini include behavioral expressions of gossip, flightiness, restlessness, inconsistency, shallowness and fragility.

The archetypes of Gemini include The Teacher, The Witness, The Storyteller, The Reporter, and The Trickster.

Neptune, the planet of mysticism, transcendence, compassion, spirituality, and other-worldliness, closely accompanies the Sun and Moon, thus imbuing this communicative interval of time with profound opportunity for the necessary truths which beckon for honest expression. While Neptune can often inspire confusion, illusion, and ultra-sensitivity, these qualities are also upon us. We may be prone to projection and a sense of victimization. However, we can embody the best of Neptune as we infuse  compassion and  mindful awareness of others. It is an opportune time for expressing oneself via compassionate communication to self and others. In doing so, we present ourselves both firmly and tenderly.

Stand in your truth with supple legs. Anoint yourself with sacred words. Speak them to yourself. Speak them with another. Behold the recognition that in doing so, you are speaking with The Divine.

Gemini Full Moon Blessings Upon You.

” Behead yourself! Discover your whole body into Vision; become seeing, seeing, seeing, seeing! ~ Rumi ~

“In love all the contradiction of existence merge themselves and are lost. Only in love are unity and duality not at variance. Love must be one and two at the same time. Only love is motion and rest in one.” ~ Rabindranath Tagore ~

” Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. ” ~ Rumi ~



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