“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul… ~ Hermes Trismegistus ~
The New Moon arrives at 15 degrees of Sagittarius on Friday, December 7 at 2:20 AM EST.
The New Moon is always accompanied by an air of mystery; a sense of the unknown; a spirit of anticipation. We are about to embark upon something new. Something has ended. It could be the expression of a facet of our psyche, a style of communication, a job, a relationship, or a way of thinking that no longer serves us. We are inhabiting our intimacy with self. This emotional attunement inspires introversion, introspection, and solitude. Such a state of being may be quite subtle. The Moon often is. As she touches upon the most intimate areas of our psyches, her energy is deeply personal. As is the Moon, so are we.
A time of great respite is upon us, as the expansive Sagittarius New Moon is fueling the collective psyche with faith, hope, and optimism. There is a sense of magic in the air. As we dwell within this season of lights, we gather a glimpse of our own light. Our inner and outer vision recognize the light that is within us all. We accept and cherish that we are light unto each other.
This increment of time offers us an upward swing to the matters and circumstances of our lives. The load is lifted and carried on the wings of angels.
New Moons are a time of planting seeds. The seeds in which we are about to plant are luminous. As we plant them, we are imbued with vision and trust.
We are moving through our lives, facing struggles, challenges, and lessons, rising to the occasion of what each day brings. We are functioning to capacity, coping, reckoning with what is. Out of the blue, we wake up one day knowing that all is well. It is as if the universe has pressed a cosmic automatic reset button within our being. We are primed for awakening. We see the bigger picture. We are gifted with crystalline wind chime awareness. This is such a time.
The New Moon in Sagittarius serves to invigorate our spirit.
Sagittarius The Centaur is a mutable masculine fire sign ruled by Jupiter. Sagittarius embodies the archetypes of The Wanderer, The Visionary, The Scholar, The Optimist, The Truthsayer, The Teacher, and The Healer. Sagittarius is a Lover Of Humankind. The Sagittarian speaks with a universal voice. They offer us inspiration, spirituality, optimism, faith, and truth.
Through the eyes of Sagittarius we see the bigger picture. There is fervency about society, humanity, and world affairs. Sagittarius expects us to expect a lot from each other.
The last New Moon before the beginning of a new year marks a period of preparation for the year to come. This is a time of deep deep self-reflection and contemplation of what may lie before us. Upon the closure of the Sagittarius season we arrive at the Winter solstice.
The Centaur is a poignant symbol. As creatures, we are bound to the earth. As spirits, we shoot our arrows beyond the clouds not knowing where they will land. The arrows are like prayers. Sagittarius reminds us of the human condition as both creatures of the earth and spirits of the heavens melded into one form. As Pierre Teilhard de Chardin so eloquently stated: “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
Wonder. Wander. Watch and listen. Choruses of angels are whispering our songs. The cup is half full. Our hearts are overflowing.
Keep looking up!
Sagittarius New Moon Blessings Upon You.
“Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.” ~
“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will live as one.” ~
“Hold fast to dreams, For if dreams die, Life is a broken-winged bird, That cannot fly.” ~Langston Hughes ~