FULL MOON IN ARIES: The Courage To Feel
“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul… ~ Hermes Trismegistus ~
The Full Moon arrives at 2 degrees of Aries on Monday, September 24 at at 10:52 PM EDT.
Our Moon. We are amazed by her. She is ever constant. Even within her ever changing nature; from New to Full to New again, she is present. All that we have to do is look up. If the night sky is cooperating, we have a spectacle that is all her own. Even if we cannot see her; she is there. It is her shapeshifting nature that contributes to the constancy of her counsel.
During a Full Moon cycle, we literally “see the light.” The light of the Sun’s full ebullient reflection is cast upon the Moon; thus, upon our own psyches as well. We are primed for awakening and revelation.
Each lunation is accompanied by fellow planetary travelers, who imbue the lunar characteristics with additional layers of nuance, meaning, and experience. Thus, we are graced with the gift of multi-layered consciousness which in and of itself assists us in accepting and understanding the complex beings that we are. On this particular leg of our journey, the Moon has her own escorts. Mercury, Saturn, and Chiron are all traveling closely with her. Thus, they are companions; not only to each other; but to us as well.
This makes for a most complex array of energies that are bound to bring difficult yet profound matter to the surface. Within such times as these, courage is our guide. As Aries The Ram is the quintessential sign of courage, we have The Ram’s assistance to face whatever rises to the surface of our conscious awareness.
Aries The Ram is a cardinal fire sign ruled by Mars. Aries embodies the archetypes of The Warrior, The Pioneer, and The Loner. The qualities of Aries include courage, instinctiveness, assertiveness, passion, enthusiasm, individuality, innovativeness, creativity and leadership. When Aries is immersed in the lower vibrations, it expresses as immaturity, impatience, selfishness, anger, violence, arrogance, recklessness, and tyranny. When we are willing to embrace both the shadow and the light of our sacred being-ness, we become primed for true transformation layered with intimate compassion for both self and others in recognition of the complexity of being human. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries speaks to our primal instincts. As a mountainous creature, The Ram is no stranger to going it alone.
This is a time encumbered with loneliness. Even amidst our loved ones, there is an existential experience of solitary embodiment. It is within the insulation of such aloneness that we have the space in which to allow for emergence of those dimensions of our psyche that have been all too painful to recognize and bear. Despite the discomfort and edginess of this lunation, there is an opportunity to clear out the debris of shadow elements that have only served to keep us rigidly attached to our suffering. In order to emancipate ourselves from such a state, we muster the courage to feel. Feel all that is there. Do not shy away from it. It is not a permanent condition. For now, the pain and emotionality of our condition serves as a wave that will wash us ashore.
Chiron, The Wounded Healer, is right by The Moon’s side, thus bringing the wounded expressions of Aries to the fore. These wounds are ones of identity crisis, fear, and difficulty in being the magnificent individuals that we are. It is where we are called to be true to ourselves within our inherent nature. Whenever Chiron appears, we are catapulted deeply into our soul wound, which ironically, is the very arena of our ultimate healing. Wherever the wound resides, lies our greatest capacity to facilitate others with their own healing. Chiron is powerful; possessing healing gifts, talents, compassion, insight, and ultimately, a befriending of the core soul wound with which we have incarnated.
Saturn’s role during this lunation serves to bring structure, discipline, and strength to the matters in our life that we are tending to, bringing with it a certain melancholic nature, yet one in which bears great wisdom and profundity. Saturn requires us to do the grunt work of whatever we wish to accomplish whether in the outer world or on the inner plane.
Mercury will lighten us up in the midst of all of this heaviness serving as the communicator between the array of archetypes that are upon us. We possess an inner communicator, one in which serves as an ambassador to our splintered selves. Mercury serves this purpose. Mercury is the only God who can traverse the underworld, the earth plane, and the heavens, all three. Mercury ties it all together for us, thus enhancing our self-understanding and the manner in which to navigate this time.
We are only two days into Autumn. The days are still mostly equal in light and darkness. This is an optimal time in which to embrace both the darkness and the light. We have an energetic balance in which to navigate both realms. As A Courses In Miracles says: Darkness is the absence of light. As the days grow shorter, we are inclined to travel within unknown realms. There is tremendous power in darkness. Things are born of darkness. So darkness, we must not fear.
Trust that during this time, we are on a fast track for awakening. No matter what the outcome, we will be served.
In order to become real, we must feel. When we are strong, we belong; not only to ourselves, but to the oneness with all.
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” ~
“Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing.”
“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.” ~
“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.” ~