

The Super Full Moon arrives at 23 degrees of Aries on Sunday, October 16 at 12:23 AM EDT.

A supermoon is a term coined in modern astrology to define an event in which a full moon or a new moon makes the closest approach to the Earth on its elliptical orbit. During such events, these already powerful lunation phases are intensified by the astrological themes which accompany them. As this Supermoon is forming a partnership with Uranus,  the passionate and volatile nature of Aries is accompanied by a fierce drive to break out of stagnated areas of our lives driving us to break through to a higher expression of our soul’s inherent authenticity.

ariesfullmoonAt this juncture, emotional momentum builds toward heightened states of feeling and visceral awareness. This particular moon is prickly to say the least, However, it is a lunation which will catapult us from our proverbial comfort zone into new and daring territory that has been longing for our unique inhabitance.

At the fore; anger, passion, intensity and anxiety are prime indicators that our world both personally and collectively is being shaken to the core. We are on the brink of leaving behind myriad aspects of the life we have intimately known. There is palpable electrifying anxiety. Our nervous systems are exhausted.

What is most needed at this time? Courage.

Aries the Ram dares us to recognize the places within us where we stand entirely alone. Along the way, we may encounter some turbulence and butt a few heads. This is a moon of the fierce inner warrior. We are the foot soldiers of our interior world as we meet the arduous territory of exterior life while the familiar ground of the current paradigm shifts incredulously before our eyes.

Aries is a cardinal fire sign, ruled by Mars. Courageous in nature, Aries instructs us in the areas of our lives where we need to act alone, thus affecting change that only we can bring about through the unique expression of our authentic selves.

Wherever Aries resides in your natal chart is where you embody the deepest sense of the existential dilemma.  It is where your most sensitive trigger points are regarding stimulus from others and the events of the outer world. This realm is where your optimal instinct resides. It is where the most heightened sense of the survival instinct emerges, where the fight or flight instinct acts out and where at the same time you embody deep levels of courage. It is a place of high energy, passion and consummate life force. Wherever Aries lives in you, is where you will meet the qualities of faith, optimism, daring, inspiration, excitement and pioneering.

Where in your life do you long for change? Are you being who you really are? Are you angry? From where has this anger originated?   How can you navigate this anger in a manner that does not hurt you or others, and yet ultimately allows for the provocation of the necessary changes you are striving to make? How can your own personal courage inspire, motivate and assist others as they face the fears of their own self-imposed limitations? What are your most inspiring characteristics?

Over the next 3 days, and especially tonight, the energy is high. Excitement is in the air. Ultimately, all change offers the potential for a positive shift in life direction.

This is a time of breakout, breakthrough and prolific self-expression. A new freedoms is upon us. It is time to draw the curtain and allow our light to shine forth.

Be brave.

Aries Full Moon Blessings Upon You.







The Full Moon Eclipse arrives at 25 degrees of Aquarius on Thursday, August 18, at 5:26 AM EDT. Eclipses infuse additional potent emotional matter to the already highly energized full moon.

star_thoth_lgEclipses are times of profound and irrevocable change. Lunar eclipses are particularly revelatory as they give us a glimpse into hidden areas of ourselves and others. During such times, we are more attuned to what Carl Jung referred to as: The Shadow Self. Such revelations can be somewhat shocking. These uncomfortable junctures serve as opportunities to embrace our wholeness, offering us magical moments of transformational self-discovery.

Aquarius, The Water Bearer symbolizes the healing waters of life poured forth and upon those beings and situations parched from the harsh adversities of earthly life. No one is immune to or exempt from the realm of human suffering. Aquarius is exquisitely attuned to this collective condition. In response, Aquarius nourishes.

At this time, the Water Bearer is awakening within us a heightened awareness of our authentic selfhood longing to express for the greater good of our shared humanity.

Aquarius is a fixed air sign, ruled by Uranus. While visited upon, themes of change, freedom, genius, authenticity, originality and humanitarianism are playing upon the collective high definition screen.

Wherever Aquarius resides in your natal chart is a distinctive area of life in which you are inspired to break out of the so called norm in order to live that particular realm of  life in your own unique,  sometimes revolutionary manner. Herein lies your particular brand of genius and attunement to the cosmos.

Over the next three days, here are some important questions for self-inquiry:

Where are you longing to break out of old dysfunctional patterns of thought and behavior? Is there a particular area of your life in which you need to break completely free? How can you best enjoy your particular style of unique genius? How can your authentic  gifts serve the greater good? How do you relate to humanity? How do you navigate multi-dimensional reality?

Life, God, The Universe, Higher Power; however we relate to such Divine Intelligence, will present a hands on interactive call for engagement within an arisen circumstance that catapults us into the moment where we show up fully clothed in the archetype that has beckoned to us. This beckoning only serves to remind us what is already inherently present and intact within the kaleidoscope of our psyche, our soul’s patterning. These pinnacle moments offer us an awakening to the thread of humanity that is woven throughout us all in the quilted fabric of life.

Last evening, as I was contemplating this article, the rain poured.  It called to mind an image of collective humanity steeped in the challenges of our time, receptive to the waters of healing. As I stood on my front porch seeing a piano student out, I heard a foreign cry.  I realized the calls were distressed and rapid. I followed the sounds to a neighbor’s yard where it became clear  that some creature was in the trash bin. As I peeked over it’s edge, not knowing who I would find there, two baby raccoons neck high in water looked up at me with desperate eyes, shrieking in terror. They were on the brink of drowning. I gently tipped the bin, allowing the water to pour out. One of the babies scampered out right away, clearly well and intact. The other one, remained in the bin, water logged and in shock. I wondered  what to do. Was he breathing? Was he suffering?  I decided to let nature take her course. This morning, upon waking, I went to check on the baby to see if he had made it through the night. He was gone! He made it! Oh Rapture!

As synchronicity would have it, this experience exemplified a facet of the Moon in Aquarius.  We do what we can do. We are angels unto each other. We awaken to our essential self and lend a hand.

Aquarius Full Moon Blessings Upon You.
