
The New Moon arrives at 7 degrees of Scorpio on Sunday, October 30 at 1:38 PM EDT. 

During a New Moon cycle, the Moon and the Sun are aligned in the same sign. New Moons present a gift of subjective insight within a specific realm of our psyches, thus offering to us within this very realm a new beginning imbued with fresh awareness. As the Moon is hidden from view, this newborn perspective is deeply internalized. Unaffected by influences outside of the self, it is a time in which to trust oneself. New Moons offer some of the most intimate moments we can ever have with ourselves.

This begins a 29-day cycle in which we have opportunity to initiate growth in some realm of our being or particular area of our lives. It is a time in which heightened subjective awareness is more readily available to us. Seeds of nascent consciousness stir anew. We can watch the growth, fruition and completion of whatever we discover throughout the entire lunar cycle.phoenixnewmooninscorpio

At this juncture, Scorpio the Scorpion is inviting us to dive into the deep well of inner darkness, for it is within these depths of consciousness that transformation of the highest order awaits us.

Scorpio is a fixed water sign, ruled by Mars and Pluto. The qualities of death, depth, darkness, intensity, power, passion, faithfulness, bravery and focus are ever present to us as we embark upon the inner quest.

Wherever Scorpio resides in our natal chart is where we fully embody the darkness. It is an area of profound personal power. This realm of our deepest wounding offers tremendous opportunity for transformation within this lifetime. And yet, it can act as a blind spot that lives in exile from our greater wholeness. At this time we have the will,  the vision, the capacity and the courage to face our darkness, our human shadow: that which we deem unlovable.

This place is one in which we have perhaps neglected to inhabit. It is a realm of difficult psychic, emotional, psychological and spiritual matter. While it is an area of the psyche that we have neglected, for it can feel like just too much to face and feel, this very area of trepidation is powerful beyond measure. When these emotions are faced and felt, we rise from the ashes like the phoenix, a powerful mythological symbol closely aligned with Scorpio. We die in order to be born anew.

We may find ourselves undergoing deep alchemical processes whereby transformation, transmutation and transfiguration are means for transport from the uncomfortable inner complacency which has been longing for recognition and release. Herein, beneath the darkness, lies the true gold of our inherent nature, our divine essence; the purest and highest expression of the true self.

What areas of your life have reached a place of completion? Do you feel a kind of death to your old self? Can you release people, places and situations which no longer serve your highest good to the light? Where do you need to take a risk? How can you best recognize the dark emotions through the lens of love? Where are you meeting the shadow in the outer world and with whom? Can you behold your deepest wound as the source of your greatest gift?

As we celebrate the beauty of nature in her death cycle, let us celebrate the beauty of our nature.

The darkness is a sacred chamber.

New Scorpio Moon Blessings Upon You.

“Every moment of light and dark is a miracle. ” ~Walt Whitman ~

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; Only Love can do that. ~ Martin Luther King ~

“I must also have a dark side if I am to be whole.” ~ Carl Jung ~





The Super Full Moon arrives at 23 degrees of Aries on Sunday, October 16 at 12:23 AM EDT.

A supermoon is a term coined in modern astrology to define an event in which a full moon or a new moon makes the closest approach to the Earth on its elliptical orbit. During such events, these already powerful lunation phases are intensified by the astrological themes which accompany them. As this Supermoon is forming a partnership with Uranus,  the passionate and volatile nature of Aries is accompanied by a fierce drive to break out of stagnated areas of our lives driving us to break through to a higher expression of our soul’s inherent authenticity.

ariesfullmoonAt this juncture, emotional momentum builds toward heightened states of feeling and visceral awareness. This particular moon is prickly to say the least, However, it is a lunation which will catapult us from our proverbial comfort zone into new and daring territory that has been longing for our unique inhabitance.

At the fore; anger, passion, intensity and anxiety are prime indicators that our world both personally and collectively is being shaken to the core. We are on the brink of leaving behind myriad aspects of the life we have intimately known. There is palpable electrifying anxiety. Our nervous systems are exhausted.

What is most needed at this time? Courage.

Aries the Ram dares us to recognize the places within us where we stand entirely alone. Along the way, we may encounter some turbulence and butt a few heads. This is a moon of the fierce inner warrior. We are the foot soldiers of our interior world as we meet the arduous territory of exterior life while the familiar ground of the current paradigm shifts incredulously before our eyes.

Aries is a cardinal fire sign, ruled by Mars. Courageous in nature, Aries instructs us in the areas of our lives where we need to act alone, thus affecting change that only we can bring about through the unique expression of our authentic selves.

Wherever Aries resides in your natal chart is where you embody the deepest sense of the existential dilemma.  It is where your most sensitive trigger points are regarding stimulus from others and the events of the outer world. This realm is where your optimal instinct resides. It is where the most heightened sense of the survival instinct emerges, where the fight or flight instinct acts out and where at the same time you embody deep levels of courage. It is a place of high energy, passion and consummate life force. Wherever Aries lives in you, is where you will meet the qualities of faith, optimism, daring, inspiration, excitement and pioneering.

Where in your life do you long for change? Are you being who you really are? Are you angry? From where has this anger originated?   How can you navigate this anger in a manner that does not hurt you or others, and yet ultimately allows for the provocation of the necessary changes you are striving to make? How can your own personal courage inspire, motivate and assist others as they face the fears of their own self-imposed limitations? What are your most inspiring characteristics?

Over the next 3 days, and especially tonight, the energy is high. Excitement is in the air. Ultimately, all change offers the potential for a positive shift in life direction.

This is a time of breakout, breakthrough and prolific self-expression. A new freedoms is upon us. It is time to draw the curtain and allow our light to shine forth.

Be brave.

Aries Full Moon Blessings Upon You.






The Full Moon Eclipse arrives at 24 degrees of Pisces on Friday, September 16 at 3:05 PM EDT.

At this time, a pinnacle moment of powerful and immense emotional depth is upon us in which we are imbued with heightened awareness and the ability to embrace irrevocable change. During a full moon cycle and most especially during a lunar eclipse, our psyches are primed for bringing into consciousness that which was hidden from view. We discover hard truths. This recognition paves the road to our expansion and evolution.


Pisces the Fish is beckoning us to dive deeply within our emotional life. What appears as pain, complexity and turbulence is serving to awaken us. This is a moon of deep and intricate emotional healing.

Feelings abound. In order to heal, we must feel.  While intense emotion can seem overwhelming, it is paramount to find the time and space in which to feel and express our emotions, for this Moon is clearing out ancient emotional imagery which has only served to block us on our path to happiness and fulfillment. We emerge from a realm of fear to a place of faith. A new emotional milieu is on the horizon.

The self is comprised of multiple dimensions. No sign is better able to speak to this than Pisces, the quintessential sign of emotion, cosmic consciousness, multi-dimensional reality and spiritual expansion.

Pisces is a mutable water sign, ruled by Neptune. Oceanic in nature, Pisces encourages and inspires us to dive deeply into the sea of emotion.The qualities of compassion, empathy, sympathy, sensitivity, creativity and spirituality resonate for us. We are endowed with receptivity and the ability to see where grace shows up in our lives, where we enact grace upon others and where the magical threads of humanity weave an intricate pattern of perfection.

Wherever Pisces resides in your chart is where you are especially otherworldly. There is exquisite sensitivity and tenderness. It is an area of boundlessness. There may be uncertainty and confusion within this realm, for it is not a worldly realm. It is an area in which self-compassion is essential. This exact spot speaks to the nature and quality of our spiritual life. The full moon eclipse will illuminate this sector.

What area of your life is deserving of compassion? Are you treating yourself with kindness and sensitivity? Are you extending these qualities to others? Can you forgive yourself? Can you forgive another?  Do you need to express your feelings to yourself? Do you need to express your feelings to another? What is your relationship to God, The Divine, Source, Higher Power?

Pisces’ realm is quite mystical. Boundaries of time and space disappear as we commune with cosmic consciousness. When Pisces is about, we are called upon to dialogue with The Divine. Our hearts are more fully open at this time. We recognize our own vulnerability as well as the vulnerability of others. In essence, we resonate with the human condition while embracing ourselves as spiritual beings.

As Pisces has a proclivity for carrying the weight of the world’s sufferings, we are imbued with heightened sensitivity. The woes of the collective are most readily heard and felt at this juncture. Most challenging for Pisces is walking with an open heart, while not allowing oneself to become inundated with the sorrows of the planet.

Pisces reminds us that genuine compassion for self is paramount to walking compassionately in the world. By cultivating compassion for self and others we contribute peace and healing to humanity at large.

We are ready to heal. We are ready to evolve. It is time to lighten the load.

Pisces Full Moon Blessings Upon You.

…we are luminous beings. We are perceivers. We are an awareness; we are not objects; we have no solidity. We are boundless.
– Don Juan Matus, quoted by Carlos Castaneda –