New Moon

SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON: Believing is Seeing

The New Moon arrives at 26 degrees of Sagittarius on Monday, December 18 at 1:30 AM EST. 

In the grand scheme of life’s magnificent panorama of experience, we are granted numerous cycles in which to begin anew. No matter the size and length of the cycle, each one is potent; portending opportunity for growth and transformation. Each one has it’s own planetary themes, style, flavor, and characteristics; all of which speak to specific areas of one’s life as well as to particular dimensions of one’s psyche. The New Moon is one such cycle; one which falls into the microcosmic scheme of cyclical events. However short this cycle may be, it is no small matter. Less is more.

New Moon consciousness is quiet. All the more better for us to hear. But first, we have to listen. The small still voice within has something to say.

While Sagittarian expression is quite expansive and profusive, our inner voice is speaking more boldly through the quiet atmosphere. There is a lot to say. This time is as expansive as the Milky Way, for this New Moon appears in The Galactic Center, a most powerful and auspicious space in the galaxy known by astrologers as The Gateway to God.  Accompanied by Mercury, Venus and Saturn, this magnificent alignment ushers in waves of optimism and visionary gifts of manifestation. This outstanding lunation appears just before the Winter Solstice and the ingress of Saturn into Capricorn. These happenings are momentous in nature; each one in and of itself a harbinger of change. We have the enthusiasm and optimism of Sagittarius as well as the somber and melancholy mood of Capricorn and Saturn; quite the recipe for the balancing of opposites in which we reconcile our faith and happiness with our more cautionary and melancholic nature.

In the background, the cosmic cheerleaders are chanting us on to take the leap from the precipice of this mountainous plateau at which we have finally arrived after the strenuous climb from the ground of our human limitations. We have arrived at the peak of spiritual awakening. An auspicious moment. We see the light. We don’t know what is ahead. We do know that the rewards of our arduous inner and outer work are coming to fruition. Perhaps for the first time in a long while, we have faith. We believe in ourselves. The Divine has shown it’s holy face. Our sense of forsakenness has dissipated.

Consciousness is stirred anew during the dark sky of a New Moon. As we approach the shortest day of the year, the darkness is deeper and thicker.  The main themes are beginnings, endings, and faith. As we cultivate this faith, envisioning what we wish to manifest in our lives on all levels, we see our dreams come to fruition. Dreams do come true. It may sound Pollyanna. She was on to something. Our thoughts and beliefs do create our reality. What we believe is what we see.

It takes intimate communion with self and deep concentration in order to penetrate the karmic levels of our being which reside unconsciously in order to break through to the manifestation of our dreams. With the expansion of Sagittarius and the contraction of Capricorn, the stillness of the Winter Solstice can help us to congeal these polarities with both grounded faith and solid wisdom.

Sagittarius The Centaur is a mutable fire sign ruled by Jupiter. Sagittarius rules optimism, advanced education, exploration, adventure, foreign travel, astral travel, intuition, religion, faith, the higher mind, learning, seeking, and expansion. The archetypes for Sagittarius include The Student, The Gypsy, and The Philosopher.

As we consider the symbol of Sagittarius, we can see half horse and half human, shooting his arrow into the sky not knowing where it will land. It is an act of pure faith. The archer could quite possibly miss the mark. And yet, with head held high, he aims his arrow into the heavens with the faith that it will land on the path to his destiny. There is encompassed within this figure both animal nature and spiritual nature. If ever there was a time in which to embrace ourselves as spiritual beings having a human experience, it is within this very moment.

Shoot your arrow into the heavens tied with a note of your deepest longing. Know that an angel will make the perfect catch and grant your wish. Embark upon an ecstatic gallop from the place in which you were once tethered.

Sagittarius New Moon Blessings Upon You.

The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or a hostile universe.”

~ Albert Einstein ~

“Faithless is he who says farewell when the road darkens.” ~J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship Of The Ring

“You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt ~






The New Moon arrives at 26 degrees of Scorpio on Saturday, November 18 at 6:42 AM EST. 

We are presented over and over again with profound opportunity to begin anew. There is tremendous comfort in this. As we begin a new lunar cycle, I find myself reflecting upon what I wish to bring into consciousness during this deep and mysterious New Moon in Scorpio. New Moons present a personal venue for inner intimacy.  As the Sun and Moon are aligned with each other, the energy is potent and concentrated. We are blessed with an opportunity for quietude.  An inner monologue longs to be written and expressed. How will we set our internal stage?

At this juncture, Scorpio the Scorpion is inviting us to dive into the deep well of inner darkness, for it is within these depths of consciousness that transformation of the highest order awaits us.

Scorpio The Scorpian is a fixed water sign, ruled by Mars and Pluto. The qualities of death, transformation, depth, darkness, intensity, power, passion, faithfulness, bravery, and focus are ever present to us as we embark upon the inner quest. Scorpio embodies the archetypes of The Detective, The Sorcerer, The Hypnotist, and The Transformer.

The Scorpian is not a pretty creature. And yet, it is beautiful.

Wherever Scorpio resides in our natal chart is where we fully embody the darkness. It is an area of profound personal power. This realm of our deepest wounding offers tremendous opportunity for transformation within this lifetime. And yet, it can act as a blind spot that lives in exile from our greater wholeness. At this time we have the will,  the vision, the capacity and the courage to face our darkness, our human shadow: that which we deem unlovable.

This place is one in which we have perhaps neglected to inhabit. It is a realm of difficult psychic, emotional, psychological and spiritual matter. While it is an area of the psyche that we have neglected, for it can feel like just too much to face and feel, this very area of trepidation is powerful beyond measure. When these emotions are faced and felt, we rise from the ashes like the phoenix, a powerful mythological symbol closely aligned with Scorpio. We die in order to be born anew.

We may find ourselves undergoing deep alchemical processes whereby transformation, transmutation and transfiguration are means for transport from the uncomfortable inner complacency which has been longing for recognition and release. Herein, beneath the darkness, lies the true gold of our inherent nature, our divine essence; the purest and highest expression of the true self.

What area of your life has reached a place of completion? Do you feel a kind of death to your old self? Can you release to the light that which no longer serves your highest good? Where do you need to take a risk? Can you recognize the dark emotions through a lens of love? Where are you meeting the shadow in the outer world and with whom? Can you behold your deepest wound as the source of your greatest gift?

The darkness is a sacred chamber.

Enter the chamber.

Your dark angel awaits you.


The sacred chamber is your heart.

New Scorpio Moon Blessings Upon You.

“The ally we must cultivate is the part of our enemy which knows the truth.” ~Mahatma Gandhi ~

“Every moment of light and dark is a miracle. ” ~Walt Whitman ~

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; Only Love can do that. ~ Martin Luther King ~

“I must also have a dark side if I am to be whole.” ~ Carl Jung ~



















VIRGO NEW MOON: The Gift In The Wound

The New Moon  arrives at 27 degrees of Virgo on Wednesday, September 20 at 1:29 AM EDT.

When we gaze upon the night sky of a New Moon, we see no Moon. The sky is dark as dark can be. While the Moon is there, we cannot see her. And yet, in a display of translucence, the stars are shining forth more brightly than any other time of the month. Without the darkness, we cannot see these glistening jewels. Their only recognition can be met without the reflection of the Sun. Certain gifts are only had in darkness.

The New Moon holds all of the clues; clues which only we can recognize, ascertain, and assimilate. A New Moon is the quintessential time in which to embrace our own subjective consciousness.  At the dawn of a new lunar cycle, our higher self gently speaks to us as the small still voice within. Listen.

The New Virgo Moon is accompanied closely by Chiron, The Wounded Healer. These current cosmic companions offer renewed opportunity to befriend our wounds. They are aching and throbbing and longing for relief. They are yearning to be seen, heard, and felt; rather than perceived. For perception is often false.

The Wounded Healer is a powerful archetype often resisted and repressed. As we strive to heal and overcome our emotional and physical pain, the gifts of the wound are easily eluded.  In the wake of this powerful three day interval of  time in which we are offered paramount understanding, we have an opportunity to feel into the areas where we have felt we will never heal. These are the exact places in which we offer potent balm in facilitating the healing of those wounds in another.

Virgo The Virgin is a mutable earth sign ruled by Mercury. Virgo is grounded, kind, patient, helpful, detail oriented, perfectionistic, critical, careful, and astute. There is an admirable quality of independence which often goes overlooked where Virgo is concerned. The Virgin is often associated with purity, chastity and self-denial. The origin of the word “virgin” means “complete unto oneself.” Thus, Virgo has powerful tools within a vast stockade of inner strength. When there is a crisis, Virgo calmly knows the art of intervention with precise attunement to details and tremendous discriminatory powers regarding the order of care pertaining to the situation. Virgo knows how to separate the wheat from the chafe. No stone goes unturned.

While every sign has it’s evolved manifestations, there is also a shadow realm to contend with. For Virgo, it is a propensity for criticism. Virgo can be quite critical of others, even if only within their own mind, yet they are never so critical of anyone as much as they are of themselves. While an emphasis of self-criticism can be painfully destructive, it is in its best sense the impetus for excellence in word and deed.

Virgo is the connoisseur for alchemizing the base of our wounded nature into the pure gold of our higher self. In doing so, we are primed as healers and beings of service to others. At this juncture, if we are courageous, we will discover the universal elixir.

Wherever Virgo resides in your natal chart is an area in which you will feel a sense of depth and renewal at this time. It is where your capacity for healing and service reside. It is an area in which you demand much perfection of yourself. Turn here, for this is where Virgo is your personal guide to the underworld of your wounded self.

Take the journey. The path is everywhere. Hold someone’s hand along the way. Hold your own. Look up into the darkness of the night sky and count the stars.For as many stars as you can count, there are gifts to behold. Feel them.

Virgo New Moon Blessings Upon You.

“Turn your wounds into wisdom.” ~ Oprah Winfrey ~

“Spirituality is about what we do with our pain.” ~  Richard Rohr ~ 

“Where we stumble and fall is where we find pure gold.” ~ Carl Jung ~

“The gift is in the wound.” ~ Alice Miller ~

“A hero is one who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” ~ Joseph Campbell ~




The New Moon Total Solar Eclipse  arrives at 28 degrees of Leo on Monday, August 21 at 2:30 PM EDT.

The long awaited American Total Solar Eclipse is upon us. There is excitement and exhilaration in the air. For some, this visual splendor is solely an astronomical event. And yet, they can feel the numinous nature surrounding it. For others, we are anticipating far more than a visual spectacle.We imbue upon this physical event the astrological meaning and significance of eclipses as empirically observed for thousands of millennia. This event is the springboard of irrevocable change in our personal lives, setting us upon a trajectory that will align us with the greater self for the explicit purpose of our soul’s evolution.

As the horrors of tragic world events unfold before us, keep in mind that this too is a most significant manifestation of the eclipse cycle. A collective shadow has emerged in full force. Life as we have known it has come to an end. Out of the ashes, the phoenix will rise as we rebirth a more highly evolved expression of the human condition. As we face our own shadow, we contribute to the elevation of light centered consciousness. As we express our genuine heart centered authenticity, expressing our gifts with generosity toward each other, we will undoubtedly contribute to the greater manifestation of profound transformation thus serving the healing and evolution of humankind.

There are two strong components to the eclipse as viewed and experienced esoterically. The first is that eclipses always test our attachments to how we define ourselves on every level.  The second is that eclipses speed up time exponentially. These two qualities of experience have been with us long before the actual Solar Eclipse that is upon us now. The Eclipse cycle began weeks ago with the Aquarius Lunar Eclipse. These cycles are in effect weeks, even months, before and after each eclipse. This process is both long and accelerated.

New Moons offer us an opportunity to begin anew. We plant seeds of intention and watch them grow throughout the lunar cycle. A New Moon Eclipse goes much further. It is in essence, a stripping away of significant elements of our life and of our self. It is a new beginning on a much grander scale. It is an initiation.  If nothing else, the New Moon Eclipse will test us to our limits regarding our attachments to who we think we are while revealing more of who we actually are.

Leo The Lion is our faithful companion. As we participate fully within this shift in dimension and time, we embody the qualities of Leo; courage, warmth, leadership, strength, and fortitude. One of Leo’s greatest expressions is that of The Heart. Wherever Leo resides in our chart is an area where we purely come from our heart. It is within this very realm, that The Leo Solar Eclipse will open the heart’s essence to full expressive capacity. This heart’s opening will be evoked by our experience of the loss of who and what is being left behind.

The heart resides on multidimensional levels. Our heart may be experiencing one thing on the earth plane and another in the astral world. While we live the manifestation of our life on multiple levels, we sometimes experience confusion. What is the true and actual reality of our heart’s knowing? As A Course In Miracles professes, “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.”

Healing the heart. Knowing the heart. Feeling the heart. All of it; takes courage. Don’t look back. Let go! The past no longer serves us. We are at this very moment being swept into the present, fully prepared for a grand awakening.

The heart has traveled a long, lonely and bewildered journey. Now, its chamber doors are  swung wide open as the compass of our beating heart leads the way. The armor has been cast off.  For as tender as we are; we are that strong.

Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse Blessings Upon You.

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.”  ~Nelson Mandela ~

“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”  ~ Antoine de Saint Exupery, The Little Prince ~

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” Anais Nin 

“The greatest test of courage on the earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.”
~R.G. Ingersoll ~

LEO NEW MOON: Prelude To An Eclipse

The New Moon  arrives at 0 degrees of Leo on Sunday, July 23 at 5:45 AM EDT.

The New Moon offers a significant passage into the inner most sanctuary of the self where our own divinely subjective nature informs us of our inner truth. New Moons are fertile ground for seeding consciousness anew.

The Moon travels quickly. Don’t underestimate these frequent short term passages, as micro-cycles can produce long term beneficial results. But first, we must attune and awaken to the area of our chart where the New Moon has arrived. As we seek the bigger picture, we often overlook the subtle energies of our being which comprise a true and lucid journey map for the inner treasure we are seeking

Leo is a fixed fire sign, ruled by the Sun. Dynamic and ebullient by nature, Leo encourages us to shine forth, exuding the light of the true self. We recognize our own magnificence as well as the areas in which our true expression sheds light, encouragement, and joy upon the lives of others. Wherever Leo resides in your natal chart is an area of necessary self-expression, an area in which you inherently need recognition for and appreciation of this very facet of your being. If you hide your light under a bushel within this domain, or shed your light where it is not received, you will feel a deep inconsolable despondency.

The cycle of life abounds with opportunities for new beginnings! This passageway into the realm of Leo is highly auspicious, serving as the prelude to yet another New Moon in Leo on August 21; The Great American Solar Eclipse.  What we bring to enlightened fruition at this juncture will only serve to make this most challenging and irrevocable life changing eclipse more accessible to us, thus serving us on a scale of deep soul evolution.

It is now time to get to the heart of the matter. The heart is comprised of  multitudes of deep and layered strata. We may think we know what is really going on for us. However, when we delve beneath that which appears as the obvious dilemma, the perceived source of grief; we discover yet a much deeper layer of pure anguish that originated long before the manifestation of the current situation. Something has been repressed, boiling beneath the surface of our psyche, biting at the bit for emotional freedom. In order to accomplish such a feat, we are required to muster up the necessary courage by invoking Leo The Lion.

Passion is palpable as the New Moon in Leo arrives in conjunction with Mars, an alignment which is highly combustible. This is a fiery new beginning, one in which both healthy self-assertion and aggression are required of us. Rather than directing these outwardly, both of these qualities can facilitate a true facing of the self. By doing so, we are provided with the energy and determination to see things as they truly are, inspiring us to make the necessary perceptual shifts that will ultimately free us from self-repression, misplaced anger, and blame. The ride will be fast and furious. It is only from a deeply set intention of mindfulness that this energy can inspire us with exhilaration for expansion rather than rage that can ride roughshod over ourselves or another.

During this big cat filled expansion of time, gaze upon The Lion as a meditation. Have you ever seen anything so magnificent? So regal? So beautiful? So courageous? We all have an inner lion whose captivity is now over. This lion longs to lunge into  full expression within our lives, assisting us with our inherent courage as we navigate this eclipse season; a season which will challenge us on so many levels. We must prepare ourselves to face the great unknown.

Even though the lion roars, he is mostly quiet and at peace in his domain. He knows his strength.

This is a time to know your strength.

Know your strength. Know your strength. Know your strength.

Leo New Moon Blessings Upon You.


Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying,
“I will try again tomorrow.”  ~ Mary Anne Radmacher 


Let us not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless when facing them.
~ Rabindranath Tagore 


Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons.  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson 





GEMINI NEW MOON: Taking Inner Flight

The New Moon arrives at 4 degrees of Gemini on Thursday, May 25, at 3:44 PM EDT.

Human beings are primed for newness.  We long for the nascent journey. Most beginnings are marked with the new year; a birthday, a marriage, a new job, or a new home. Each month, We have an opportunity for a fresh start within the realm of our emotional lives. It is within the sentient body that we most often need to take stock, let go, recycle, and begin anew.

When we consciously embrace the New Moon, we have an opportunity for the embodiment of emotional realization. Can you imagine? The universe has graced us with 12 New Moons, one in each sign throughout the course of each year. New Moons are microcosmic cycles of the Sun which takes one full year to traverse the zodiac. The Moon travels through the zodiac in the span of  only one month. That’s a lot of swift movement. Astrology is a kaleidoscope of small cycles within large cycles.

Lunar beginnings are subtle. Mindfulness of our feelings facilitates our recognition of  what is going on beneath the surface of the ego; the things we tell ourselves, the matters of which we convince ourselves, the faces we present to the world. Whether we see the man in the moon, the woman in the moon, or the child in the moon, it remains to say that the Moon inhabits us as she simultaneously invites us to inhabit her.

The Gemini New Moon offers a renewal of the mind. Our intellectual world unfolds before us with vital information regarding what we tell ourselves and how we communicate to others. Gemini is the parasailer of the psyche. From this higher perspective, the drama of our life presents itself as quite the spectacle, one in which we long to tame for the sake of truth.

Gemini The Twins is a mutable air sign, ruled by Mercury. Gemini embodies the qualities of free spirit, communication, listening, learning, humor, wittiness, intellect, lightness, spontaneity, flexibility, restlessness, fun, play, and magic. Gemini archetypes include The Teacher, The Witness, The Trickster and The Storyteller.

Gemini brilliantly observes and reconciles duality. When we are caught in duality, we suffer. At this sacred juncture, Gemini offers us an expansive view of  our inner complexity. Our inner twins are mirrors unto each other. This particular Gemini Moon can soar, for it is not tethered to any other planets, thus offering a more pure Gemini expression. Gemini is piloting our vehicle for inner flight. We rise above our emotions with a kind yet detached perspective. We are fueled with the lucid understanding of our own projections.

Wherever Gemini resides in your natal chat is the area in which mental seeds are now being planted. As you navigate your inner galaxy these tender seeds will blossom into brilliant insights and ideas. A stroke of genius is upon us. During the next three days, we are imbued with a sense of lightness and play accompanied by the ethereal and the magical.

Somewhere, within each and everyone of us, Gemini resides. Listen to the part of you that longs for freedom. How can you allow yourself to soar above the illusions of earthly existence?

Think of a butterfly. It is free, fluttering from one  point to the next without a care in the world. It’s beauty is fleeting before our eyes, taking our breath away. Before the butterfly has attained this freedom of flight, it has incubated as a caterpillar within the confines of darkness, patiently awaiting the transformation. This time is upon us. The metamorphosis is now.

Gemini New Moon Blessings Upon You.

Inner freedom demands the rejection of any imposition that injures our dignity.

~ Fausto Cercignani ~

There is no authentic inner freedom that does not, sooner or later, also affect and change human history.

~ Rollo May ~

You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.

~ Marianne Williamson ~

NEW MOON IN ARIES: “To Thine Own Self Be True”

The New Moon arrives at 7 degrees of Aries on Sunday, March 27 at 10:57 PM EDT. 

New Moons offer us a three day window of time in which to embark upon a new emotional cycle.  As life unfolds before us each day, our emotions like the Moon,  wax and wane; like the ocean, ebb and flow. We are after all, liquid beings. Our physical bodies are 50-65% water. The Moon is the harbinger of oceanic tides as well as the steward of human emotions.

Our emotional body is an entity unto itself, exerting influences which bare great significance upon each and every area of our lives. Attuning to the lunar cycles coupled with astute awareness of where they appear in the natal chart, greatly assists us on our soul’s journey. The Moon is a prolific reminder that life is in a continuous state of flux. During each New Moon, we are washed ashore to a new landscape which offers us a new horizon yet unseen. Upon our arrival, we are filled with aspiration.

As the Spring Equinox is the astrological New Year, the Aries New Moon is a prolific time in which to embrace one’s nascent self. We are now as seedlings, pushing up through the earth, emerging as a new life form. Aries is the instinctual life force! Aries is the will to exist.

Aries The Ram is a cardinal fire sign embodying the archetypes of The Pioneer, The Warrior, The Daredevil, The Loner and The Survivor. Aries exudes the qualities of individuality, assertiveness, innovativeness, independence, courage, aggression, passion, ferocity and leadership. Keep in mind, that often times an Aries person does not naturally possess these characteristics, but rather, has come into this incarnation to explore and learn them. As with every sign, there is an evolutionary scale. While we possess the inherent potential and soul knowledge, some of the qualities and characteristics of a sign are still in process. We strive to bring those hidden areas of ourselves, both the flawed and the virtuous, into consciousness; for consciousness itself is the great emancipator.

Along with the Sun and Moon in Aries, these luminaries are accompanied by Venus, Mercury and Uranus, also in Aries. Thus we are endowed with a potent infusion of the fire element providing an optimization of our life force in which exuberance, determination, optimism, faith, confidence and courage are ever present as we embark on the next leg of the journey. Follow the path. It is a road not yet taken. It is solely your own.

We must be true and brave to the core of our being. Our own unique instinctual brilliance is our vital life force. When we deny our true nature, when we ignore our instinctual knowledge, anger explodes as lave from a volcano. While we may believe we are angry at a person or a situation, we are in fact really angry at the self.

Where have you been untrue to yourself? Aries challenges us to face this awareness as an impetus for change so that we may purely express our true nature from the core of our being.

Light your torch. Shed your own light.  There is nobody such as you.

Aries New Moon Blessings Upon You

“To thine own self be true.”- Polonius in Hamlet, William Shakespeare

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the road less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

– Robert Frost –

“If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have the capacity  at the beginning.” – Mahatma Gandhi

” Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson –




The New Moon Solar Eclipse arrives at 8 degrees of Pisces on Sunday, February 26 at 9:58 AM EST.

During a New Moon, we are offered the sacred conjunction of both solar and lunar consciousness. It is here where we blend and merge aspects of our psyche which may at other times be quite estranged from each other. Something within us awakens from an ancient slumber propelling us to embark upon a nascent journey.

Solar Eclipses always happen upon a New Moon, impressing upon us a heightened impetus toward a new beginning. Somewhere, within some dimension of our multi- layered lives, a spotlight shines forth. The stage is set. Herein lies heightened subjective awareness. Wherever the New Moon Solar Eclipse falls in your natal chart, wherever Pisces resides, there will be a marked change. Whether upon some exterior level, or within an interior realm, the life we have known is forever altered. As our interior world is the facilitator for our outer experience, we will most  likely see the changes both within and without. As Pisces is the most imaginative of the signs, these images are evermore potent and powerful thus exerting greater influence upon our lives.

Each lunar cycle forms a grand assembly of planetary participants who interact with each other, thus propelling us to commune with the different and sometimes opposing aspects within and of ourselves. There is complexity. We are assembling our own unique puzzle, searching for the missing pieces, finding that they were right in front of us in clear view all along. The Moon in Pisces is accompanied by Mercury, the  South Node, the Sun, Neptune and Chiron. Themes of communication, karma, essence, God and the wounded healer emerge and merge, huddling together as a cosmic team.

Prominent archetypal themes for this sign include The Dreamer, The Poet, The Mystic, The Martyr and The Redeemer. Pisces embodies the qualities of compassion, sensitivity, imagination, creativity, dreaminess, other-worldliness, changeability and attunement to the Divine.

As Neptune is the ruler of Pisces, it’s immersion within this Pisces cluster  imbues it with even more mystery, spirit, emotion, depth and sensitivity.

At this time, Pisces The Fishes is awakening within us deeper contemplation of where we belong in the grandeur of life. We find our ourselves, like The Fishes, swimming in opposite directions only to find that we come full circle.  As a mutable feminine water sign, Pisces adeptly circumvents the turbulent waters embracing duality.

We cannot escape the intensity of emotion that not only is reflective of our personal experience. We listen and hear the cries of the world as well. Collective consciousness looms large. There is a desire to expand the source of our spiritual awareness, thus facilitating healing for ourselves and each other in a world that is at the same time both consumed by and longing for compassion.

Wherever Pisces resides within our chart, we will encounter heightened sensitivity,  psychic expansion and experience of our oneness with life in its myriad forms. As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces is a sign of karmic completion. We may be revisiting old themes, relationships and experiences that we felt we had processed and released. Now, they hauntingly return, requiring us to dive head on into the oceanic depths of emotional awareness.

Amidst this climate of swirling emotion and quiet softness, sudden change is afoot. Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are stirring the cauldron of our personal world as well as the world at large. The illusion is being shattered by this fiery trio. Courage is called upon as we face the unknown territory of three dimensional reality. The world we have known has become chaotic. Life is becoming stranger and thus a stranger unto us. As tectonic plates within the depths of the earth, the paradigm is shifting.

It is only by navigating our own interior with full awareness and personal responsibility that we can contribute authentic presence and mindful action to this ever changing and evolving earthly habitat. Despite all appearances, we are healing.

Emerging from the depths, we discover gold in the shadows. As we awaken to a society of dreams, we discover a soft tender spot wrapping ourselves and each other in love.

Pisces New Moon Blessings Upon You.

It is the belief in a power larger than myself and other than myself which allows me to venture into the unknown and even the unknowable. – Maya Angelou –

When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves
and our own self-preservation,
we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness.
– Joseph Campbell –

One can give nothing whatever without giving oneself—that is to say, risking oneself. If one cannot risk oneself, then one is simply incapable of giving.
-James Baldwin-

NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS: The Freedom To Be Free

The New moon arrives at  8 degrees of Aquarius on Friday, January 27 at 7:06 PM EST. 

New Moons offer us a three day window of time in which to plant seeds of intention. We set forth on a new leg of our journey. As the Moon and the Sun align, the subjective self emerges. This blending of the feminine and the masculine balances holistic awareness with translucent self-knowledge. Lunar cycles are small cycles within large cycles allowing us to attune more keenly to specific dimensions of the multidimensional self. 

During the last three days before the New Moon, we are in the Balsamic Moon Phase. Known as the bottom of the Moon, it is a cycle of karmic completion. We have at this time the opportunity to integrate and synthesize our experience of the past 26 days. We are significantly more attuned to our psychic sensibilities as the next round unfolds. As our sensitivity is heightened, our physical energy may wane. Solitude, rest and introspection form a solid foundation for the preparation of the new cycle. When the New Moon arrives we are once again energized.

Aquarius the Water-Bearer is a fixed air sign. Prominent archetypal themes for this sign include The Genius, The Revolutionary, The Truth Sayer, The Visionary, The Humanitarian and The Scientist.

Aquarius harbors an ethereal quality coupled with heightened mental faculties and a highly developed intuitive function. As the sign of humanity seeking the greater good for all, Aquarius raises its voice to the outer world decrying personal gain at the expense of others through greed and exploitation. For Aquarius, it is love, peace, freedom,  inclusiveness and justice for all.

At this juncture, we are awakening to those areas in our lives where we we are loudly called to march to the beat of our own drum, no matter how erratic it may seem. It is a time in which to express our truth authentically without worrisome thoughts of what others may think. It is by means of our own authentic self-expression that we most greatly contribute to the healing of the world. We cannot embrace another if we do not embrace ourselves. We cannot respect the freedom of another if we withhold from ourselves the freedom to be free.

As the first New Moon of the new year, Aquarius’ revolutionary spirit is largely upon us. We feel it within as we witness it’s expression in the outer world.  Aquarian themes of humanitarianism, brother and sisterhood, individuality and equality are bursting to the fore.  We are courageously facing the dark side of our society so that we may transform that which no longer serves the greater good. While it appears that a war has been waged, we are being graced with the opportunity to emerge into the light of newly awakened consciousness in which we fully realize and embrace equality for all.

During this Aquarius New Moon, we as a collective are imbued with our own visionary qualities. We have a unique opportunity to hone our intuitive faculties. This time is ideal for creatively visualizing the most positive outcomes for our lives and humanity. We embody the ability to envision and thus create a future of the greatest good for all. We enact goodness by honoring our unique talents, gifts and qualities. When we honor and express our authenticity, we serve humanity; we are healers who heal unto each other.

Wherever Aquarius resides in your natal chart is a distinctive area of life in which you are inspired to break out of the so called norm in order to live that particular realm of  life in your own unique, sometimes revolutionary manner. It is your realm of essential freedom. . 

Where can you begin anew from a place of inhibition, allowing yourself to express more freely? In what areas do you need more breathing room? How can you best enjoy your particular style of unique genius? How can your authentic  gifts serve the greater good? How do you relate to humanity? Where are you being called to express your humanitarianism? How does your inner revolution serve the outer revolution? 

Envision the Water Bearer standing before you, handing you the cup.

Now, pass it around.

Aquarius New Moon Blessings Upon you.

We will not achieve any higher-minded political goals until we transform the political process, and we cannot transform the political process without transforming ourselves.

– Marianne Williamson –

“One love, one heart, one destiny.”  -Bob Marley –

“Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another.”  – Carl Sagan, Cosmos –

“Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.”  – Thomas Keneally, Schindler’s List –




Sagittarius New Moon: The Road Less Traveled

The New Moon arrives at 7 degrees of Sagittarius on Tuesday, November 29 at 7:18 AM EST.

We are imbued each month with an auspicious time frame in which to begin anew in a specific realm of our interior being. When we activate this area, we begin to see changes in our immediate world as well. The new moon is a sacred portal, which upon entering can introduce us to a yet undiscovered dimension of the self. Each new moon offers a propitious juncture in which there is opportunity.


Just before the new moon phase, we are in a completion phase known as the balsamic moon. We are integrating and synthesizing that which we began at the last new moon. These final three days of the moon phase are deeply psychic and interior oriented.  We are visited upon by ancient karmic issues. There can be a sense of exhaustion. Astrologers call this “the bottom of the moon.” We are best served by solitude, contemplation and rest. Our dreams may be more vivid during this time. When the new moon arrives, there is a distinctive shift in our energy. We are ready to begin anew.

At this juncture, Sagittarius the Archer is beckoning us to hear our truth. We are being called to follow our path, honor the nature of our truth and explore the unknown. We are at a crossroads.

Sagittarius embodies the archetypes of Gypsy, Student and Philosopher. They are the great seekers; high minded, idealistic and visionary. Sagittarius longs for journeying and exploration, both without and within. They will wander to the ends of the earth, to the brink of their psyche, in pursuit of greater meaning. There is tremendous restlessness accompanied by an inherent need for personal freedom.

As a mutable fire sign, there is enthusiasm, spontaneity, optimism, and buoyancy. Sagittarius thinks on a grand scale. Therein lies the wound of the Sagittarius spirit. For the idealist, life can often bear pain and discontent; there is no place on earth that can measure up to the visionary’s desire for utmost quality of life, where everyone is expressing from their most evolved state of being. Herein lies the breeding ground for intolerance, one of the most prominent characteristics of the Sagittarius shadow. As Sagittarius embodies the domain of belief systems, higher education, spirituality, religion and political ideologies, other aspects of the shadow express as arrogance, fanaticism, intolerance, opinionatedness and superiority.

Sagittarius has an inexorable desire for knowledge, persistently seeking to understand the laws of the universe amidst the struggle to be human.

These are strange times. We all feel it. The unfamiliarity of these times is being experienced not only in the outer world, but in our personal lives as well. In the midst of tremendous energetic transformation, there is often confusion and a sense of feeling lost. And yet, there is a strand of hope that leads us on. We are at the very core, spiritual beings.

We are striving toward understanding. We understand by standing under ourselves, beside ourselves, above ourselves.

In what area of your life are you longing for freedom? How can you cultivate freedom within your very being no matter what your circumstances are? Are you speaking your truth? Are you engaging with life beyond the physical realm? How can you engage more as an adventurer? What is your deepest longing? Where are you being called to break out of the familiar and travel a new path? Can you nurture tolerance and understanding for those whose opinions differ from your own? Where have you reached a real crossroads? Can you see yourself beyond this human existence?

I once heard an interview with one of the greatest pianists of the 20th century, Artur Rubinstein. He was and still is one of the most beloved concert pianists of all time. His playing was purely transcendental. Rubinstein spoke of his soul’s freedom. He expressed that he felt such freedom in his soul, that even if he were locked in a cell without a piano, he would always know his soul was a bird whose flight would never cease. While I was only in my teens at the time, he made an indelible impression upon my heart. It was the first time as a young performing artist in which I realized that the outer expression of our lives is completely reflective of what lies within. Rubinstein is always with me. I can still see his face as he spoke those words; a face entirely revealing that he was indeed, free. He has served as a quintessential instructor of inner freedom; the only freedom.

I wish you multitudes of Sagittarius blessings!

Dispel a belief. Design a personal quest. Entertain possibilities. Compose your own prayer. Set yourself free.

Launch a flaming winged arrow into the sky and follow it to it’s bull’s eye landing as it soars smack to the center of your heart’s desire.

As Tolkien said; “Those who wander are not lost.”  Let us also ponder that those who wonder are not confused.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but rather, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”Pierre Teilhard de Chardin –

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.”  – Robert Frost –

Donna Greco, astrologer
