
FULL MOON IN TAURUS: The Order of Chaos

“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul… ~ Hermes Trismegistus ~

The Full Moon  arrives at 1 degree of Taurus on Wednesday, October 24 at 12:45 PM EDT. 

We are once again at the pinnacle of another round of awakening. The Lunar cycle is a microcosm of the Solar cycle. It takes one complete year for the Earth to orbit the Sun taking us through the zodiac, whereas the Moon cycle takes approximately one month to orbit the Earth. Thus we have small cycles within large cycles. The small cycles are no less powerful than the large cycles. They are however, more immediate pertaining to our personal world. Needless to say, Lunar cycles fly by. We need to stay awake for them. They shed light upon the nuts and bolts of our daily lives and the qualities of relationships that inhabit our world.

Taurus The Bull, is a fixed feminine earth sign ruled by Venus. The archetypes of Taurus are The Builder, The Earth Spirit, The Musician, and The Quiet One. Taurus rules the qualities and characteristics of peacefulness, presence, mindfulness, determination, groundedness, values, self-value, aesthetic appreciation, security, engagement with and commitment to the earth, highly developed senses, and sensuality. As Taurus is the quintessential earth sign, it is highly attuned to the earth, acting as a steward and cultivator of life in it’s myriad forms.

Each lunation is highly complicated depending upon which planets are involved with the cycle. This particular Full Moon is mired with the complexity of tremendous intricacy. The multi-dimensional experience now available to us is deep and vast. Do not resist the journey, but rather, embark upon it. We are multi-dimensional beings living in a multi-dimensional universe.

At this time, the qualities of Taurus are both challenged, and yet, greatly needed. We must be fully engaged with them. We must embody them. The Bull is surefooted. This steadfastness is greatly compromised by other planetary activity which closely accompanies the Moon. Taurus’s groundedness can assist us through what may seem like the disassembly of some facet of our lives. Hold fast to the earth, for the instability of this lunation will rock us to our core. Taurus is tenacious. We can hold onto ourselves even though it may feel like a tornado has swept us up and taken us to the Land of Oz.

During the next three days, there are tremendous karmic opportunities. They may not appear as beneficent circumstances. Whatever appears or disappears will greatly serve your soul. There is unpredictability in the air. A sense of urgency, anxiety, and anticipation presides. Soon, we will have a revelation.

Wherever Taurus resides in your natal chart is an area that will undergo dramatic change. This will happen in such a way as to clear your path for a more veritable journey with what will now become an ever enhanced authentic self. From this time forward, we will express ourselves in no less a manner than veracious.

We have undergone extremely difficult lunar phases over the past 2 years. We have been catapulted into our soul’s evolution. Each lunation offers us another round in which to reassemble another piece of our life puzzle.

Uranus and Venus coupled with the Lunar Nodes are forming  close partnerships to the Moon. It is within the realms of home, family, and relationships that these dramatic changes will most likely manifest. Uranus is the lightening rod that will electrify whatever it touches. It is the Great Awakener. Uranus shakes us up and moves us into our inherent nature; a nature that no longer subscribes to the rules and regulations of anyone or anything that has been dampening our lives. The Lunar Nodes present us with themes of the past; past lives as well as the life that is present. The Lunar Nodes point us toward our karmic curriculum. We have the advantage of deep karmic cleansing and reorientation toward the path less taken; our path.

Tune into your values. Live by them; for that is where security lies. Value yourself; for you are valuable. When we adhere to our values, a true and ardent life unfolds before us.

We are longing for order. In the grand scheme of life, there is chaos everywhere. Let us embrace that order is chaos and that chaos will order our lives.


“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”  ~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~

“In chaos, there is fertility.” ~ Anais Nin ~

“In the space between chaos and shape there was another chance.”  ~ Jeanette Winterson ~

“I like it that order exists somewhere even if it shatters near me.”  ~ Elizabeth Moon ~




GEMINI NEW MOON: Taking Inner Flight

The New Moon arrives at 4 degrees of Gemini on Thursday, May 25, at 3:44 PM EDT.

Human beings are primed for newness.  We long for the nascent journey. Most beginnings are marked with the new year; a birthday, a marriage, a new job, or a new home. Each month, We have an opportunity for a fresh start within the realm of our emotional lives. It is within the sentient body that we most often need to take stock, let go, recycle, and begin anew.

When we consciously embrace the New Moon, we have an opportunity for the embodiment of emotional realization. Can you imagine? The universe has graced us with 12 New Moons, one in each sign throughout the course of each year. New Moons are microcosmic cycles of the Sun which takes one full year to traverse the zodiac. The Moon travels through the zodiac in the span of  only one month. That’s a lot of swift movement. Astrology is a kaleidoscope of small cycles within large cycles.

Lunar beginnings are subtle. Mindfulness of our feelings facilitates our recognition of  what is going on beneath the surface of the ego; the things we tell ourselves, the matters of which we convince ourselves, the faces we present to the world. Whether we see the man in the moon, the woman in the moon, or the child in the moon, it remains to say that the Moon inhabits us as she simultaneously invites us to inhabit her.

The Gemini New Moon offers a renewal of the mind. Our intellectual world unfolds before us with vital information regarding what we tell ourselves and how we communicate to others. Gemini is the parasailer of the psyche. From this higher perspective, the drama of our life presents itself as quite the spectacle, one in which we long to tame for the sake of truth.

Gemini The Twins is a mutable air sign, ruled by Mercury. Gemini embodies the qualities of free spirit, communication, listening, learning, humor, wittiness, intellect, lightness, spontaneity, flexibility, restlessness, fun, play, and magic. Gemini archetypes include The Teacher, The Witness, The Trickster and The Storyteller.

Gemini brilliantly observes and reconciles duality. When we are caught in duality, we suffer. At this sacred juncture, Gemini offers us an expansive view of  our inner complexity. Our inner twins are mirrors unto each other. This particular Gemini Moon can soar, for it is not tethered to any other planets, thus offering a more pure Gemini expression. Gemini is piloting our vehicle for inner flight. We rise above our emotions with a kind yet detached perspective. We are fueled with the lucid understanding of our own projections.

Wherever Gemini resides in your natal chat is the area in which mental seeds are now being planted. As you navigate your inner galaxy these tender seeds will blossom into brilliant insights and ideas. A stroke of genius is upon us. During the next three days, we are imbued with a sense of lightness and play accompanied by the ethereal and the magical.

Somewhere, within each and everyone of us, Gemini resides. Listen to the part of you that longs for freedom. How can you allow yourself to soar above the illusions of earthly existence?

Think of a butterfly. It is free, fluttering from one  point to the next without a care in the world. It’s beauty is fleeting before our eyes, taking our breath away. Before the butterfly has attained this freedom of flight, it has incubated as a caterpillar within the confines of darkness, patiently awaiting the transformation. This time is upon us. The metamorphosis is now.

Gemini New Moon Blessings Upon You.

Inner freedom demands the rejection of any imposition that injures our dignity.

~ Fausto Cercignani ~

There is no authentic inner freedom that does not, sooner or later, also affect and change human history.

~ Rollo May ~

You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.

~ Marianne Williamson ~

NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS: The Freedom To Be Free

The New moon arrives at  8 degrees of Aquarius on Friday, January 27 at 7:06 PM EST. 

New Moons offer us a three day window of time in which to plant seeds of intention. We set forth on a new leg of our journey. As the Moon and the Sun align, the subjective self emerges. This blending of the feminine and the masculine balances holistic awareness with translucent self-knowledge. Lunar cycles are small cycles within large cycles allowing us to attune more keenly to specific dimensions of the multidimensional self. 

During the last three days before the New Moon, we are in the Balsamic Moon Phase. Known as the bottom of the Moon, it is a cycle of karmic completion. We have at this time the opportunity to integrate and synthesize our experience of the past 26 days. We are significantly more attuned to our psychic sensibilities as the next round unfolds. As our sensitivity is heightened, our physical energy may wane. Solitude, rest and introspection form a solid foundation for the preparation of the new cycle. When the New Moon arrives we are once again energized.

Aquarius the Water-Bearer is a fixed air sign. Prominent archetypal themes for this sign include The Genius, The Revolutionary, The Truth Sayer, The Visionary, The Humanitarian and The Scientist.

Aquarius harbors an ethereal quality coupled with heightened mental faculties and a highly developed intuitive function. As the sign of humanity seeking the greater good for all, Aquarius raises its voice to the outer world decrying personal gain at the expense of others through greed and exploitation. For Aquarius, it is love, peace, freedom,  inclusiveness and justice for all.

At this juncture, we are awakening to those areas in our lives where we we are loudly called to march to the beat of our own drum, no matter how erratic it may seem. It is a time in which to express our truth authentically without worrisome thoughts of what others may think. It is by means of our own authentic self-expression that we most greatly contribute to the healing of the world. We cannot embrace another if we do not embrace ourselves. We cannot respect the freedom of another if we withhold from ourselves the freedom to be free.

As the first New Moon of the new year, Aquarius’ revolutionary spirit is largely upon us. We feel it within as we witness it’s expression in the outer world.  Aquarian themes of humanitarianism, brother and sisterhood, individuality and equality are bursting to the fore.  We are courageously facing the dark side of our society so that we may transform that which no longer serves the greater good. While it appears that a war has been waged, we are being graced with the opportunity to emerge into the light of newly awakened consciousness in which we fully realize and embrace equality for all.

During this Aquarius New Moon, we as a collective are imbued with our own visionary qualities. We have a unique opportunity to hone our intuitive faculties. This time is ideal for creatively visualizing the most positive outcomes for our lives and humanity. We embody the ability to envision and thus create a future of the greatest good for all. We enact goodness by honoring our unique talents, gifts and qualities. When we honor and express our authenticity, we serve humanity; we are healers who heal unto each other.

Wherever Aquarius resides in your natal chart is a distinctive area of life in which you are inspired to break out of the so called norm in order to live that particular realm of  life in your own unique, sometimes revolutionary manner. It is your realm of essential freedom. . 

Where can you begin anew from a place of inhibition, allowing yourself to express more freely? In what areas do you need more breathing room? How can you best enjoy your particular style of unique genius? How can your authentic  gifts serve the greater good? How do you relate to humanity? Where are you being called to express your humanitarianism? How does your inner revolution serve the outer revolution? 

Envision the Water Bearer standing before you, handing you the cup.

Now, pass it around.

Aquarius New Moon Blessings Upon you.

We will not achieve any higher-minded political goals until we transform the political process, and we cannot transform the political process without transforming ourselves.

– Marianne Williamson –

“One love, one heart, one destiny.”  -Bob Marley –

“Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another.”  – Carl Sagan, Cosmos –

“Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.”  – Thomas Keneally, Schindler’s List –




Astrology Class at The Wilkins School Community Center in Swissvale

Astrology 101: A Star-gazer’s View – Wilkins School Community Center

Astrology 101: A Star-gazer’s View

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January 11th 7pm $45.00
Humanistic Astrologer, Donna Greco, will lead a class on beginning level astrology. Thorough study of the history of astrology, the astrological signs, planets, houses and aspects will be discussed with the intention of assisting students with the eloquent attunement to oneself, others and life that astrology offers to us. A natal chart of each student will be provided. Seasoned students are also welcome, as there are many layers to the foundational knowledge of astrology.
Interested students can contact Donna Greco  by replying to this post, at or at 412-422-4628.
About Donna Greco

Awakening to callings which inspired her to explore the metaphysical world, Donna has devotedly pursued the study of Astrology and Tarot for 30 years,
attending international conferences with many acclaimed practitioners as well as engaged in private study with diverse and recognized individuals. She is a student and practitioner of The Pathwork of Self-Transformation and A Course In Miracles..

Living deeply in communion with these sacred languages, she is personally experienced with the powerful transformational opportunities they provide. Donna blends artistic insight with spiritual knowledge as a facilitator for personal transformation.

Honoring her Geminian nature, Donna has answered diverse vocational callings. She is well known and respected as an accomplished pianist-teacher-composer. Her musical career spans 40 years, beginning while attending high school when she performed with The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Donna has studied with many renowned musicians. She is accomplished in the classical, jazz and contemporary instrumental genres. Her Intuitive Music practice is designed to create personalized musical settings for the facilitation of healing and meditation. She also receives commissions for specialized musical recordings produced and designed for personal and sacred intentions.

She is available for private consultations, lecture-presentations, workshops and mentoring.

Donna Greco is a native of Pittsburgh. She counsels, teaches and composes in her Squirrel Hill studio.