
NEW MOON IN TAURUS: Standing Strong On Shaken Ground

The mantram of the astrologer is: AS ABOVE, SO BELOW.  This is my prayer, my incantation; as I serve to translate the divine urging of this sacred juncture that is set before us. 

The New Moon  arrives at 24 degrees of Taurus on Tuesday, May 15 at 7:47 AM EDT.

The Sun and the Moon are conjunct during a New Moon. They are now communing together side by side. In doing so, the light of the Moon is blocked from view; as with this luminary alignment, the Sun’s light bears no reflection. The night sky appears Moon-less for three days. But Moon-less we are not. Even when we cannot see her, she is present. The darkness facilitates the perfect milieu in which to go within. For it is only our willingness to commune with the darkness of the inner self that we can nurture the chrysalis state of our souls. In doing so, we allow for metamorphosis.

New Moons portend new beginnings. This fresh cycle opens up with tremendous excitement. Our nervous systems are vibrating at extremely high frequencies. There is positive anticipation as well as fearful trepidation. We know on some level that a monumental change is upon us. Even positive change can evoke fear and stress. As with all planetary alignments, we can choose with our own free will as to whether we will cooperate or not. Resistance may be high. While this time is quite uncomfortable, it is an opportunity of seismic proportions. Like The Fool in the Tarot, we muster our courage and prepare to take the leap.

Dynamic times are a perfect opportunity to stir the inner fire as we watch ourselves rise from the ashes. Suppressed rage may boil beneath the surface longing to erupt.  Tempers are fragile. Outbursts, shock, and drama may inform our passage. The need for both inner and outer changes has been upon the collective psyche. We now have an auspicious window of time in which to consciously and willingly walk into the unknown. It is a time of tumultuous shakeup on both the inner and outer planes. One can liken this to a Big Bang in our individual lives and upon the earth.

Our nervous systems are taxed. There are inner tremors as the tectonic plates of our inner being are preparing for an earthquake of massive significance. We are awakening for a complete restructuring of our lives. Life as we have known it may never be the same again. These monumental happenings also have the potential to infuse positive change that catapults us into a new dimension of our being; one in which our true selves are emerging into their fullest expression of light filled authenticity.  There is excitement; for shakeups also serve to bring us more fully to life. Our greatest gifts can emerge at this time if we allow ourselves to be cracked open by the seismic energy that is within and upon us.

Taurus The Bull is a peaceful and grounded sign. The Taurus New Moon can serve to ground us during this unpredictable period. Our attunement to The Bull can serve us through the eruptions, disruptions, and catastrophe in our lives. Catastrophe can ultimately bring about expansion and renewal. We can perceive such events as disaster, or we can courageously step into the higher dimension of our life experience. Disaster literally means “against the stars.”If we ignore these powerful incantations of the Divine, we may suffer in ways that are unnecessary.

One may liken the physical sensation of our current emotional lives to a hive of bees residing within the heart. There is humming, buzzing, and flighty turbulence. It is from this place that honey is created.

At this time, Taurus the Bull, is attuning us to the inherent values of our soul. In recognizing these values, in questioning whether or not we are adhering to them in our daily lives, we also assess whether or not we are truly in a place of valuing our authentic selves. For it is only when one truly values the self, that we can value another. This Taurean Moon inspires us to value ourselves and each other as we all walk this path together at a most disparate juncture in our collective journey.

Taurus The Bull is a fixed feminine earth sign, ruled by Venus. When the Moon is in Taurus, it is exalted.  This is the highest expression of the Moon. The qualities of silence, patience, steadfastness, determination, loyalty, peacefulness, tranquility, sensuality, beauty, nature, musicality and grounding are themes which are quietly beckoning us to their attunement.

Wherever Taurus resides in your natal chart is a distinct area in which you must live closely aligned to your particular values. It is a sector whereby valuing the inherent beauty of the self will only enhance your expression in the world, the positive affect you have upon others and the way in which you view and experience life.  In essence, wherever Taurus resides within you, is where you can relax. It is where the theme of your particular brand of peace resides. There, all is well, as long as you embrace your true value in a manner whereby you recognize and embrace your divinity within your own humanity.

“To thine own self be true” This statement can appear as quite the adage, but is much more complicated than the short sentence that sums it all up. During the next three days, it will become apparent in a grand manner where we can no longer tolerate our own inner patterns, relational patterns, and daily patterns. Our world is being shaken up.

When we are standing at the edge of the cliff, we can either take the leap, or fall. Be brave. Welcome to your New World.

Taurus New Moon Blessings Upon You.

“It takes courage…to endure the sharp pains of self discovery rather than choose to take the dull pain of unconsciousness that would last the rest of our lives.” ~ Marianne Williamson ~

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”

~ Alan Watts~

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths”

~ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross ~

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find how far one can go.”

~ T.S. Eliot ~