TAURUS FULL MOON: Standing Our Ground

The mantram of the astrologer is: AS ABOVE, SO BELOW.  This is my prayer, my incantation; as I serve to translate the divine urging of this sacred juncture that is set before us. 

The Super Full Moon arrives at 11 degrees of Taurus on Saturday, November 4 at 1:22 AM EDT.

Full Moons carry with them lore, magic, mystery, and sometimes even mayhem. These precious facets of life express themselves in our outer world as well as within our own interior. As we embrace this earthy sensual Full Moon in Taurus, we are reminded that the awakening of our true values is upon us. The full spectrum light of the Sun casts his glorious rays upon the Moon. The pie in the sky serves as a luminous telescopic lens focused precisely upon this point in time within our lives, appearing in a personal realm that is primed and ready for realization and awakening. This Full Moon is both grounded and expansive. So plant your feel on the ground and let your spirit soar!

As with all lunar cycles, there is a potpourri of planetary delights that mix together on one splendid table in which to dine from. Some planets may express in the form of something highly delectable, while others may present a sort of indigestion. Our attitudinal stance toward whatever we are facing will determine the quality of experience for our divine awakening.

As the Sun and the Moon face each other, we face ourselves. The cosmos is a reflection of our true nature within a sacred sector of the vast panorama of our lives.

While we are in the lunar season of Taurus, we meet it’s opposite sign; as we are at the same time in the solar season of Scorpio. Both are coupled within their very diametrically opposed expression.  We are called to dive deeply within our psyches to meet and greet those neglected aspects and qualities of our inherent nature; for Scorpio rules all things felt deeply which are buried and hidden. When we embrace the dark side of our human nature, we discover the buried treasure of our inherent being. The Taurus Full Moon is assisting us with practical grounding and the provision of earthy human comfort throughout the healing process.

This Full Moon is most spectacular as it is a Super Moon, whose appearance will loom ever so large above the earth, exercising a more powerful influence upon us. The magnetic fields upon the earth are amplified as well as our own emotional state of being. Additionally, when the Moon is in Taurus, it is in what is known as an exaltation. While exalted, the expression of the Moon is endowed with highly evolved qualities of both the Moon and Taurus.  Taking all of this into consideration, we are blessed with an extraordinary Full Moon!

As if this were not enough, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, optimism, faith, and enthusiasm, is deeply engaged with both Sun and Moon. We are graced with new vision and the opportunity to rise above all that has weighed us down. Hurting hearts gather reprieve at this time as unveiled wounds reveal the bounty of our true value.

Taurus The Bull, is a fixed earth sign ruled by Venus. The archetypes of Taurus are The Builder, The Earth Spirit, The Musician, and The Quiet One. Taurus rules the qualities and characteristics of peacefulness, presence, mindfulness, groundedness, values, self-value, aesthetic appreciation, security, engagement and commitment to the earth, and highly developed senses. As Taurus is the quintessential earth sign, it is highly attuned to the earth, acting as a steward and cultivator of life in it’s myriad forms.

Taurus longs for security. Tune into your values and live by them; for that is where security lies. Value yourself; for you are valuable. When we adhere to our values, a true and ardent life unfolds before us.

Commune with the earth. Behold the splendor of the leaves. Welcome the nakedness of change.

We are leaving a period of time in which we have been communing deeply with the wounds of our soul. We have allowed them more fully into consciousness. Even wounds do not want to be left out. The Moon is the steward of our wounds. Release them to the Moon. Allow for their departure. They are angels who have just received their wings.


“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope or confidence.”  ~Helen Keller ~

“I felt your heart in darkness, a full moon, Hauling mine to it like a tide.” ~ Eavan Boland ~

” The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” ~ John Muir ~


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