
FULL MOON IN ARIES: The Courage To Feel

“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul… ~ Hermes Trismegistus ~

The Full Moon  arrives at 2 degrees of Aries on Monday, September 24 at at 10:52 PM EDT.

Our Moon. We are amazed by her. She is ever constant. Even within her ever changing nature; from New to Full to New again, she is present. All that we have to do is look up. If the night sky is cooperating, we have a spectacle that is all her own. Even if we cannot see her; she is there. It is her shapeshifting nature that contributes to the constancy of her counsel.

During a Full Moon cycle, we literally “see the light.” The light of the Sun’s full ebullient reflection is cast upon the Moon; thus, upon our own psyches as well. We are primed for awakening and revelation.

Each lunation is accompanied by fellow planetary travelers, who imbue the lunar characteristics with additional layers of nuance, meaning, and experience. Thus, we are graced with the gift of multi-layered consciousness which in and of itself assists us in accepting and understanding the complex beings that we are. On this particular leg of our journey, the Moon has her own escorts. Mercury, Saturn, and Chiron are all traveling closely with her. Thus, they are companions; not only to each other; but to us as well.

This makes for a most complex array of energies that are bound to bring difficult yet profound matter to the surface. Within such times as these, courage is our guide. As Aries The Ram is the quintessential sign of courage, we have The Ram’s assistance to face whatever rises to the surface of our conscious awareness.

Aries The Ram is a cardinal fire sign ruled by Mars. Aries embodies the archetypes of The Warrior, The Pioneer, and The Loner. The qualities of Aries include courage, instinctiveness, assertiveness, passion, enthusiasm, individuality, innovativeness, creativity and leadership.  When Aries is immersed in the lower vibrations, it expresses as immaturity, impatience, selfishness, anger, violence, arrogance, recklessness, and tyranny. When we are willing to embrace both the shadow and the light of our sacred being-ness, we become primed for true transformation layered with intimate compassion for both self and others in recognition of the complexity of being human. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries speaks to our primal instincts. As a mountainous creature, The Ram is no stranger to going it alone.

This is a time encumbered with loneliness. Even amidst our loved ones, there is an existential experience of solitary embodiment. It is within the insulation of such aloneness that we have the space in which to allow for emergence of those dimensions of our psyche that have been all too painful to recognize and bear. Despite the discomfort and edginess of this lunation, there is an opportunity to clear out the debris of shadow elements that have only served to keep us rigidly attached to our suffering. In order to emancipate ourselves from such a state, we muster the courage to feel. Feel all that is there. Do not shy away from it. It is not a permanent condition. For now, the pain and emotionality of our condition serves as a wave that will wash us ashore.

Chiron, The Wounded Healer, is right by The Moon’s side, thus bringing the wounded expressions of Aries to the fore. These wounds are ones of identity crisis, fear, and difficulty in being the magnificent individuals that we are. It is where we are called to be true to ourselves within our inherent nature. Whenever Chiron appears, we are catapulted deeply into our soul wound, which ironically, is the very arena of our ultimate healing. Wherever the wound resides, lies our greatest capacity to facilitate others with their own healing. Chiron is powerful; possessing healing gifts, talents, compassion, insight, and ultimately, a befriending of the core soul wound with which we have incarnated.

Saturn’s role during this lunation serves to bring structure, discipline, and strength to the matters in our life that we are tending to, bringing with it a certain melancholic nature, yet one in which bears great wisdom and profundity. Saturn requires us to do the grunt work of whatever we wish to accomplish whether in the outer world or on the inner plane.

Mercury will lighten us up in the midst of all of this heaviness serving as the communicator between the array of archetypes that are upon us. We possess an inner communicator, one in which serves as an ambassador to our splintered selves. Mercury serves this purpose. Mercury is the only God who can traverse the underworld, the earth plane, and the heavens, all three. Mercury ties it all together for us, thus enhancing our self-understanding and the manner in which to navigate this time.

We are only two days into Autumn. The days are still mostly equal in light and darkness. This is an optimal time in which to embrace both the darkness and the light. We have an energetic balance in which to navigate both realms. As A Courses In Miracles says: Darkness is the absence of light. As the days grow shorter, we are inclined to travel within unknown realms. There is tremendous power in darkness. Things are born of darkness. So darkness, we must not fear.

Trust that during this time, we are on a fast track for awakening. No matter what the outcome, we will be served.

In order to become real, we must feel. When we are strong, we belong; not only to ourselves, but to the oneness with all.


“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”  ~ E.E. Cummings ~

“Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing.” 

 ~ August Wilson ~

“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.” ~ Maya Angelou ~

“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.”  ~ Michel de Montaigne ~



NEW MOON IN TAURUS: Standing Strong On Shaken Ground

The mantram of the astrologer is: AS ABOVE, SO BELOW.  This is my prayer, my incantation; as I serve to translate the divine urging of this sacred juncture that is set before us. 

The New Moon  arrives at 24 degrees of Taurus on Tuesday, May 15 at 7:47 AM EDT.

The Sun and the Moon are conjunct during a New Moon. They are now communing together side by side. In doing so, the light of the Moon is blocked from view; as with this luminary alignment, the Sun’s light bears no reflection. The night sky appears Moon-less for three days. But Moon-less we are not. Even when we cannot see her, she is present. The darkness facilitates the perfect milieu in which to go within. For it is only our willingness to commune with the darkness of the inner self that we can nurture the chrysalis state of our souls. In doing so, we allow for metamorphosis.

New Moons portend new beginnings. This fresh cycle opens up with tremendous excitement. Our nervous systems are vibrating at extremely high frequencies. There is positive anticipation as well as fearful trepidation. We know on some level that a monumental change is upon us. Even positive change can evoke fear and stress. As with all planetary alignments, we can choose with our own free will as to whether we will cooperate or not. Resistance may be high. While this time is quite uncomfortable, it is an opportunity of seismic proportions. Like The Fool in the Tarot, we muster our courage and prepare to take the leap.

Dynamic times are a perfect opportunity to stir the inner fire as we watch ourselves rise from the ashes. Suppressed rage may boil beneath the surface longing to erupt.  Tempers are fragile. Outbursts, shock, and drama may inform our passage. The need for both inner and outer changes has been upon the collective psyche. We now have an auspicious window of time in which to consciously and willingly walk into the unknown. It is a time of tumultuous shakeup on both the inner and outer planes. One can liken this to a Big Bang in our individual lives and upon the earth.

Our nervous systems are taxed. There are inner tremors as the tectonic plates of our inner being are preparing for an earthquake of massive significance. We are awakening for a complete restructuring of our lives. Life as we have known it may never be the same again. These monumental happenings also have the potential to infuse positive change that catapults us into a new dimension of our being; one in which our true selves are emerging into their fullest expression of light filled authenticity.  There is excitement; for shakeups also serve to bring us more fully to life. Our greatest gifts can emerge at this time if we allow ourselves to be cracked open by the seismic energy that is within and upon us.

Taurus The Bull is a peaceful and grounded sign. The Taurus New Moon can serve to ground us during this unpredictable period. Our attunement to The Bull can serve us through the eruptions, disruptions, and catastrophe in our lives. Catastrophe can ultimately bring about expansion and renewal. We can perceive such events as disaster, or we can courageously step into the higher dimension of our life experience. Disaster literally means “against the stars.”If we ignore these powerful incantations of the Divine, we may suffer in ways that are unnecessary.

One may liken the physical sensation of our current emotional lives to a hive of bees residing within the heart. There is humming, buzzing, and flighty turbulence. It is from this place that honey is created.

At this time, Taurus the Bull, is attuning us to the inherent values of our soul. In recognizing these values, in questioning whether or not we are adhering to them in our daily lives, we also assess whether or not we are truly in a place of valuing our authentic selves. For it is only when one truly values the self, that we can value another. This Taurean Moon inspires us to value ourselves and each other as we all walk this path together at a most disparate juncture in our collective journey.

Taurus The Bull is a fixed feminine earth sign, ruled by Venus. When the Moon is in Taurus, it is exalted.  This is the highest expression of the Moon. The qualities of silence, patience, steadfastness, determination, loyalty, peacefulness, tranquility, sensuality, beauty, nature, musicality and grounding are themes which are quietly beckoning us to their attunement.

Wherever Taurus resides in your natal chart is a distinct area in which you must live closely aligned to your particular values. It is a sector whereby valuing the inherent beauty of the self will only enhance your expression in the world, the positive affect you have upon others and the way in which you view and experience life.  In essence, wherever Taurus resides within you, is where you can relax. It is where the theme of your particular brand of peace resides. There, all is well, as long as you embrace your true value in a manner whereby you recognize and embrace your divinity within your own humanity.

“To thine own self be true” This statement can appear as quite the adage, but is much more complicated than the short sentence that sums it all up. During the next three days, it will become apparent in a grand manner where we can no longer tolerate our own inner patterns, relational patterns, and daily patterns. Our world is being shaken up.

When we are standing at the edge of the cliff, we can either take the leap, or fall. Be brave. Welcome to your New World.

Taurus New Moon Blessings Upon You.

“It takes courage…to endure the sharp pains of self discovery rather than choose to take the dull pain of unconsciousness that would last the rest of our lives.” ~ Marianne Williamson ~

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”

~ Alan Watts~

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths”

~ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross ~

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find how far one can go.”

~ T.S. Eliot ~



New Moon In Pisces: Swimming Upstream

The New Moon  arrives at 26 degrees of Pisces on Saturday, March 17 at 9:11 AM EDT. 

New Moons are a time in which to plant seeds of mindful intention. The darkness is an optimal time for watchful introspection. As we delve within the deeper dimensions of the self, we are honed with New Moon subjective awareness, facilitating a fresh approach to begin anew within an area of our lives. The New Moon encourages us to become our own best friend as the self intimately communes with the self.

Even during the dark of the Moon, we know that she is there. And after all, the darkness allows the stars to brightly shine forth in their full magnificence.  The Moon graciously allows for their spectacle when it is not her time to shine.

As the outer light of the Moon is not visible to us, it is an optimal time in which to recognize our inner glow. Soon, when the light slowly begins to wax, we will gradually emerge from the darkness, for the ever increasing light brings forth yet another facet of our life, heightened by New Moon subjective experience which in turn imbues us with sage awareness.

Life is like an ouroboros. Pisces The Fishes reminds us of this as two fish swim in circular motion, navigating both beginning and ending cycles with fluidity and grace. We are each the head and the tail. We circulate within the realm of our inner and outer worlds. Upon the completion of one cycle, we find ourselves at the beginning of another. Each lunation blesses us with the opportunity for ever increasing consciousness, for we are imbued with layer upon layer of visionary expansion that serves to assist us on the next lap of our journey.

Pisces The Fishes is a mutable feminine earth sign ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. The qualities of Pisces include compassion, empathy, artistry, sensitivity, otherworldliness, imagination, emotionality, psychic ability, and attunement to the collective. The shadow realm of Pisces includes martyrdom, a redeemer complex, escapism, victim consciousness, lack of personal boundaries, and rose colored glasses syndrome. Pisces embraces the archeypes of The Dreamer, The Mystic, and The Shapeshifter.

Pisces possesses an instinctive awareness of the higher dimensions of consciousness, thus feeling both the woes and ecstasies of the world. Pisces strives for a state of transcendence, possessing an inherent tempermental make-up in which to attain this.

Pisces embraces the unity of all beings as ONE.  We are in this oceanic life togther, swimming for our lives, often against the currents which are pulling us back into the depths of despair and loneliness. Before we are able to break free of the current, we must sometimes allow ourselves to become submerged by the forces of cosmic gravity in order to feel what has been self-rejected so that we may swim through the turbulent currents resurfacing with efficacious healing and a newly discovered source of enlivenment.

Chiron The Wounded Healer is also in Pisces, closely accompanying the New Moon. Our woundedness may feel more palpable. Chiron is a powerful ally despite its challenges. He helps us to move more deeply into that which feels unhealable. Within this very space of our soul, we find the path to our own healing, which ultimately contributes to the healing of this world.

Wherever there is a preponderance of Pisces in your star chart, there is immersion into the oceanic depths of intense emotion and heightened sensitivy. Within this area of our natal pattern, we are invited to welcome the tender parts of ourselves, knowing that within this layer of vulnerability lies great strength. Vulnerability is a product of courage. Our invitation allows for its sentient presence, thus facilitating our own inherent ability to commne with unconditional love for ourselves and for others. When we reject or repress this vulnerability, we find ourselves flailing in an emotional spiral of tidal proportions. These turbulent emotions often leave us in states of pain, confusion and disorientation. Self-alienation emanates from fearful refusal to allow ourselves to free fall. There is a soft landing place within one’s own heart.  Upon arrival, we open our hearts to ourselves.  In doing so, we find within, the elemental water realm of receptivity. As we resonate with this state of fluidity, there is an outpouring of love.

Dive deep. Greet the creatures from the depths of time. Breaking the surface you will once again  behold the stars.

Pisces New Moon Blessings Upon You.

“The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it.”  ~Nicholas Sparks, At First Sight ~

But pain’s like water. It finds a way to push through any seal. There’s no way to stop it. Sometimes you have to let yourself sink inside of it before you can learn how to swim to the surface.”  ~ Katie Kacvinsky ~

Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive.”  ~ Charlotte Bronte ~


CAPRICORN NEW MOON: Climb Every Mountain



The New Moon arrives at 26 degrees of Capricorn on Tuesday, January 16 at 9:17 PM EST. 

We all long for something new. While each and every moment offers us something fresh in the form of awareness and experience, it is paramount for us to recognize when there is an actual beginning cycle occurring within the cosmos; for it is within this auspicious time frame that we plant ardent seeds of intention; seeds that can grow into the tallest Redwood.

The first New Moon of the New Year promises to be one of grounded breakthrough. We are in a time of strong Capricornian energy, as coinciding with this New Moon we have accompanying potent Capricorn placements which include Venus, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto! We are now living among a small herd of cosmic Sea-Goats, swimming the vast ocean of emotion while scaling with persistence toward the pinnacles of our lives with great determination and the conviction of our spiritual and material goals. We are ardent and tenacious.

When there is a strong profusion of one sign, we are gifted with the opportunity to embrace and more fully realize that sign within a specific region of our star charts. There is heightened desire and focused will to manifest that particular area of our lives with dedication, determination, and discipline. Paramount to this process is integrity.

Capricorn The Sea-Goat is a cardinal feminine earth sign. The qualities of Capricorn include integrity, responsibility, loyalty, dutifulness, melancholy, tenacity, leadership, seriousness, aloneness, wisdom, and fortitude. Capricorn embraces the archetypes of The Wise Elder, The Builder, The Hermit, and The Father.

Saturn recently entered Capricorn. As the ruler of Capricorn, Saturn’s expression through it’s own sign is potent and life affirming in highly constructive and practical ways. In short, the Capricorn New Moon provides a pristine foundation for what we are striving toward, both inwardly and outwardly in the year before us.

Uranus’s challenging yet enlightening relationship to this New Moon catapults us into the depths of Capricorn, imbuing this dutiful earth sign with a sense of unbounded freedom, informing us of our true and inherent make-up as both human and spiritual beings. Within the highly vibrational electric sparks of Uranus’s accompaniment to the New Moon, lies a strong foundational earth-sky centered awareness that we as human beings can fully access. Our awareness of this is ripened as we decipher a fuller more embodied understanding that we are not completely of this world. In essence, we are both worldly and otherworldly. As we breathe through multiple dimensions, we traverse the path with our feet planted lightly yet firmly upon sacred ground while simultaneously stepping high toward the heavenly peaks of our soul’s longing.

While we marvel at the mountainous peaks from afar, there is nothing better than beholding them in close view. As we climb the continuous mountain ranges of our lives, each summit offers yet another peak to scale. We keep climbing.  As human beings there is no final destination. As spiritual beings, the sky’s the limit.

Welcome to Heaven and to Earth.


“After climbing a great hill, one finds that there are many more hills to climb.” ~ Nelson Mandela ~

“Go into yourself and see how deep the place is from which your life flows.” ~Rainer Maria Rilke ~

“Climbing is as close as we come to flying.” ~ George Eliot ~



The New Moon Total Solar Eclipse  arrives at 28 degrees of Leo on Monday, August 21 at 2:30 PM EDT.

The long awaited American Total Solar Eclipse is upon us. There is excitement and exhilaration in the air. For some, this visual splendor is solely an astronomical event. And yet, they can feel the numinous nature surrounding it. For others, we are anticipating far more than a visual spectacle.We imbue upon this physical event the astrological meaning and significance of eclipses as empirically observed for thousands of millennia. This event is the springboard of irrevocable change in our personal lives, setting us upon a trajectory that will align us with the greater self for the explicit purpose of our soul’s evolution.

As the horrors of tragic world events unfold before us, keep in mind that this too is a most significant manifestation of the eclipse cycle. A collective shadow has emerged in full force. Life as we have known it has come to an end. Out of the ashes, the phoenix will rise as we rebirth a more highly evolved expression of the human condition. As we face our own shadow, we contribute to the elevation of light centered consciousness. As we express our genuine heart centered authenticity, expressing our gifts with generosity toward each other, we will undoubtedly contribute to the greater manifestation of profound transformation thus serving the healing and evolution of humankind.

There are two strong components to the eclipse as viewed and experienced esoterically. The first is that eclipses always test our attachments to how we define ourselves on every level.  The second is that eclipses speed up time exponentially. These two qualities of experience have been with us long before the actual Solar Eclipse that is upon us now. The Eclipse cycle began weeks ago with the Aquarius Lunar Eclipse. These cycles are in effect weeks, even months, before and after each eclipse. This process is both long and accelerated.

New Moons offer us an opportunity to begin anew. We plant seeds of intention and watch them grow throughout the lunar cycle. A New Moon Eclipse goes much further. It is in essence, a stripping away of significant elements of our life and of our self. It is a new beginning on a much grander scale. It is an initiation.  If nothing else, the New Moon Eclipse will test us to our limits regarding our attachments to who we think we are while revealing more of who we actually are.

Leo The Lion is our faithful companion. As we participate fully within this shift in dimension and time, we embody the qualities of Leo; courage, warmth, leadership, strength, and fortitude. One of Leo’s greatest expressions is that of The Heart. Wherever Leo resides in our chart is an area where we purely come from our heart. It is within this very realm, that The Leo Solar Eclipse will open the heart’s essence to full expressive capacity. This heart’s opening will be evoked by our experience of the loss of who and what is being left behind.

The heart resides on multidimensional levels. Our heart may be experiencing one thing on the earth plane and another in the astral world. While we live the manifestation of our life on multiple levels, we sometimes experience confusion. What is the true and actual reality of our heart’s knowing? As A Course In Miracles professes, “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.”

Healing the heart. Knowing the heart. Feeling the heart. All of it; takes courage. Don’t look back. Let go! The past no longer serves us. We are at this very moment being swept into the present, fully prepared for a grand awakening.

The heart has traveled a long, lonely and bewildered journey. Now, its chamber doors are  swung wide open as the compass of our beating heart leads the way. The armor has been cast off.  For as tender as we are; we are that strong.

Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse Blessings Upon You.

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.”  ~Nelson Mandela ~

“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”  ~ Antoine de Saint Exupery, The Little Prince ~

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” Anais Nin 

“The greatest test of courage on the earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.”
~R.G. Ingersoll ~

GEMINI NEW MOON: Taking Inner Flight

The New Moon arrives at 4 degrees of Gemini on Thursday, May 25, at 3:44 PM EDT.

Human beings are primed for newness.  We long for the nascent journey. Most beginnings are marked with the new year; a birthday, a marriage, a new job, or a new home. Each month, We have an opportunity for a fresh start within the realm of our emotional lives. It is within the sentient body that we most often need to take stock, let go, recycle, and begin anew.

When we consciously embrace the New Moon, we have an opportunity for the embodiment of emotional realization. Can you imagine? The universe has graced us with 12 New Moons, one in each sign throughout the course of each year. New Moons are microcosmic cycles of the Sun which takes one full year to traverse the zodiac. The Moon travels through the zodiac in the span of  only one month. That’s a lot of swift movement. Astrology is a kaleidoscope of small cycles within large cycles.

Lunar beginnings are subtle. Mindfulness of our feelings facilitates our recognition of  what is going on beneath the surface of the ego; the things we tell ourselves, the matters of which we convince ourselves, the faces we present to the world. Whether we see the man in the moon, the woman in the moon, or the child in the moon, it remains to say that the Moon inhabits us as she simultaneously invites us to inhabit her.

The Gemini New Moon offers a renewal of the mind. Our intellectual world unfolds before us with vital information regarding what we tell ourselves and how we communicate to others. Gemini is the parasailer of the psyche. From this higher perspective, the drama of our life presents itself as quite the spectacle, one in which we long to tame for the sake of truth.

Gemini The Twins is a mutable air sign, ruled by Mercury. Gemini embodies the qualities of free spirit, communication, listening, learning, humor, wittiness, intellect, lightness, spontaneity, flexibility, restlessness, fun, play, and magic. Gemini archetypes include The Teacher, The Witness, The Trickster and The Storyteller.

Gemini brilliantly observes and reconciles duality. When we are caught in duality, we suffer. At this sacred juncture, Gemini offers us an expansive view of  our inner complexity. Our inner twins are mirrors unto each other. This particular Gemini Moon can soar, for it is not tethered to any other planets, thus offering a more pure Gemini expression. Gemini is piloting our vehicle for inner flight. We rise above our emotions with a kind yet detached perspective. We are fueled with the lucid understanding of our own projections.

Wherever Gemini resides in your natal chat is the area in which mental seeds are now being planted. As you navigate your inner galaxy these tender seeds will blossom into brilliant insights and ideas. A stroke of genius is upon us. During the next three days, we are imbued with a sense of lightness and play accompanied by the ethereal and the magical.

Somewhere, within each and everyone of us, Gemini resides. Listen to the part of you that longs for freedom. How can you allow yourself to soar above the illusions of earthly existence?

Think of a butterfly. It is free, fluttering from one  point to the next without a care in the world. It’s beauty is fleeting before our eyes, taking our breath away. Before the butterfly has attained this freedom of flight, it has incubated as a caterpillar within the confines of darkness, patiently awaiting the transformation. This time is upon us. The metamorphosis is now.

Gemini New Moon Blessings Upon You.

Inner freedom demands the rejection of any imposition that injures our dignity.

~ Fausto Cercignani ~

There is no authentic inner freedom that does not, sooner or later, also affect and change human history.

~ Rollo May ~

You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.

~ Marianne Williamson ~

NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS: The Freedom To Be Free

The New moon arrives at  8 degrees of Aquarius on Friday, January 27 at 7:06 PM EST. 

New Moons offer us a three day window of time in which to plant seeds of intention. We set forth on a new leg of our journey. As the Moon and the Sun align, the subjective self emerges. This blending of the feminine and the masculine balances holistic awareness with translucent self-knowledge. Lunar cycles are small cycles within large cycles allowing us to attune more keenly to specific dimensions of the multidimensional self. 

During the last three days before the New Moon, we are in the Balsamic Moon Phase. Known as the bottom of the Moon, it is a cycle of karmic completion. We have at this time the opportunity to integrate and synthesize our experience of the past 26 days. We are significantly more attuned to our psychic sensibilities as the next round unfolds. As our sensitivity is heightened, our physical energy may wane. Solitude, rest and introspection form a solid foundation for the preparation of the new cycle. When the New Moon arrives we are once again energized.

Aquarius the Water-Bearer is a fixed air sign. Prominent archetypal themes for this sign include The Genius, The Revolutionary, The Truth Sayer, The Visionary, The Humanitarian and The Scientist.

Aquarius harbors an ethereal quality coupled with heightened mental faculties and a highly developed intuitive function. As the sign of humanity seeking the greater good for all, Aquarius raises its voice to the outer world decrying personal gain at the expense of others through greed and exploitation. For Aquarius, it is love, peace, freedom,  inclusiveness and justice for all.

At this juncture, we are awakening to those areas in our lives where we we are loudly called to march to the beat of our own drum, no matter how erratic it may seem. It is a time in which to express our truth authentically without worrisome thoughts of what others may think. It is by means of our own authentic self-expression that we most greatly contribute to the healing of the world. We cannot embrace another if we do not embrace ourselves. We cannot respect the freedom of another if we withhold from ourselves the freedom to be free.

As the first New Moon of the new year, Aquarius’ revolutionary spirit is largely upon us. We feel it within as we witness it’s expression in the outer world.  Aquarian themes of humanitarianism, brother and sisterhood, individuality and equality are bursting to the fore.  We are courageously facing the dark side of our society so that we may transform that which no longer serves the greater good. While it appears that a war has been waged, we are being graced with the opportunity to emerge into the light of newly awakened consciousness in which we fully realize and embrace equality for all.

During this Aquarius New Moon, we as a collective are imbued with our own visionary qualities. We have a unique opportunity to hone our intuitive faculties. This time is ideal for creatively visualizing the most positive outcomes for our lives and humanity. We embody the ability to envision and thus create a future of the greatest good for all. We enact goodness by honoring our unique talents, gifts and qualities. When we honor and express our authenticity, we serve humanity; we are healers who heal unto each other.

Wherever Aquarius resides in your natal chart is a distinctive area of life in which you are inspired to break out of the so called norm in order to live that particular realm of  life in your own unique, sometimes revolutionary manner. It is your realm of essential freedom. . 

Where can you begin anew from a place of inhibition, allowing yourself to express more freely? In what areas do you need more breathing room? How can you best enjoy your particular style of unique genius? How can your authentic  gifts serve the greater good? How do you relate to humanity? Where are you being called to express your humanitarianism? How does your inner revolution serve the outer revolution? 

Envision the Water Bearer standing before you, handing you the cup.

Now, pass it around.

Aquarius New Moon Blessings Upon you.

We will not achieve any higher-minded political goals until we transform the political process, and we cannot transform the political process without transforming ourselves.

– Marianne Williamson –

“One love, one heart, one destiny.”  -Bob Marley –

“Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another.”  – Carl Sagan, Cosmos –

“Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.”  – Thomas Keneally, Schindler’s List –




Sagittarius New Moon: The Road Less Traveled

The New Moon arrives at 7 degrees of Sagittarius on Tuesday, November 29 at 7:18 AM EST.

We are imbued each month with an auspicious time frame in which to begin anew in a specific realm of our interior being. When we activate this area, we begin to see changes in our immediate world as well. The new moon is a sacred portal, which upon entering can introduce us to a yet undiscovered dimension of the self. Each new moon offers a propitious juncture in which there is opportunity.


Just before the new moon phase, we are in a completion phase known as the balsamic moon. We are integrating and synthesizing that which we began at the last new moon. These final three days of the moon phase are deeply psychic and interior oriented.  We are visited upon by ancient karmic issues. There can be a sense of exhaustion. Astrologers call this “the bottom of the moon.” We are best served by solitude, contemplation and rest. Our dreams may be more vivid during this time. When the new moon arrives, there is a distinctive shift in our energy. We are ready to begin anew.

At this juncture, Sagittarius the Archer is beckoning us to hear our truth. We are being called to follow our path, honor the nature of our truth and explore the unknown. We are at a crossroads.

Sagittarius embodies the archetypes of Gypsy, Student and Philosopher. They are the great seekers; high minded, idealistic and visionary. Sagittarius longs for journeying and exploration, both without and within. They will wander to the ends of the earth, to the brink of their psyche, in pursuit of greater meaning. There is tremendous restlessness accompanied by an inherent need for personal freedom.

As a mutable fire sign, there is enthusiasm, spontaneity, optimism, and buoyancy. Sagittarius thinks on a grand scale. Therein lies the wound of the Sagittarius spirit. For the idealist, life can often bear pain and discontent; there is no place on earth that can measure up to the visionary’s desire for utmost quality of life, where everyone is expressing from their most evolved state of being. Herein lies the breeding ground for intolerance, one of the most prominent characteristics of the Sagittarius shadow. As Sagittarius embodies the domain of belief systems, higher education, spirituality, religion and political ideologies, other aspects of the shadow express as arrogance, fanaticism, intolerance, opinionatedness and superiority.

Sagittarius has an inexorable desire for knowledge, persistently seeking to understand the laws of the universe amidst the struggle to be human.

These are strange times. We all feel it. The unfamiliarity of these times is being experienced not only in the outer world, but in our personal lives as well. In the midst of tremendous energetic transformation, there is often confusion and a sense of feeling lost. And yet, there is a strand of hope that leads us on. We are at the very core, spiritual beings.

We are striving toward understanding. We understand by standing under ourselves, beside ourselves, above ourselves.

In what area of your life are you longing for freedom? How can you cultivate freedom within your very being no matter what your circumstances are? Are you speaking your truth? Are you engaging with life beyond the physical realm? How can you engage more as an adventurer? What is your deepest longing? Where are you being called to break out of the familiar and travel a new path? Can you nurture tolerance and understanding for those whose opinions differ from your own? Where have you reached a real crossroads? Can you see yourself beyond this human existence?

I once heard an interview with one of the greatest pianists of the 20th century, Artur Rubinstein. He was and still is one of the most beloved concert pianists of all time. His playing was purely transcendental. Rubinstein spoke of his soul’s freedom. He expressed that he felt such freedom in his soul, that even if he were locked in a cell without a piano, he would always know his soul was a bird whose flight would never cease. While I was only in my teens at the time, he made an indelible impression upon my heart. It was the first time as a young performing artist in which I realized that the outer expression of our lives is completely reflective of what lies within. Rubinstein is always with me. I can still see his face as he spoke those words; a face entirely revealing that he was indeed, free. He has served as a quintessential instructor of inner freedom; the only freedom.

I wish you multitudes of Sagittarius blessings!

Dispel a belief. Design a personal quest. Entertain possibilities. Compose your own prayer. Set yourself free.

Launch a flaming winged arrow into the sky and follow it to it’s bull’s eye landing as it soars smack to the center of your heart’s desire.

As Tolkien said; “Those who wander are not lost.”  Let us also ponder that those who wonder are not confused.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but rather, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”Pierre Teilhard de Chardin –

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.”  – Robert Frost –

Donna Greco, astrologer






Astrology Class at The Wilkins School Community Center in Swissvale

Astrology 101: A Star-gazer’s View – Wilkins School Community Center

Astrology 101: A Star-gazer’s View

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January 11th 7pm $45.00
Humanistic Astrologer, Donna Greco, will lead a class on beginning level astrology. Thorough study of the history of astrology, the astrological signs, planets, houses and aspects will be discussed with the intention of assisting students with the eloquent attunement to oneself, others and life that astrology offers to us. A natal chart of each student will be provided. Seasoned students are also welcome, as there are many layers to the foundational knowledge of astrology.
Interested students can contact Donna Greco  by replying to this post, at or at 412-422-4628.
About Donna Greco

Awakening to callings which inspired her to explore the metaphysical world, Donna has devotedly pursued the study of Astrology and Tarot for 30 years,
attending international conferences with many acclaimed practitioners as well as engaged in private study with diverse and recognized individuals. She is a student and practitioner of The Pathwork of Self-Transformation and A Course In Miracles..

Living deeply in communion with these sacred languages, she is personally experienced with the powerful transformational opportunities they provide. Donna blends artistic insight with spiritual knowledge as a facilitator for personal transformation.

Honoring her Geminian nature, Donna has answered diverse vocational callings. She is well known and respected as an accomplished pianist-teacher-composer. Her musical career spans 40 years, beginning while attending high school when she performed with The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Donna has studied with many renowned musicians. She is accomplished in the classical, jazz and contemporary instrumental genres. Her Intuitive Music practice is designed to create personalized musical settings for the facilitation of healing and meditation. She also receives commissions for specialized musical recordings produced and designed for personal and sacred intentions.

She is available for private consultations, lecture-presentations, workshops and mentoring.

Donna Greco is a native of Pittsburgh. She counsels, teaches and composes in her Squirrel Hill studio.



The Super Full Moon arrives at 22 degrees of Taurus on Monday, November 14, at 8:52 AM EST.

Super moons imbue an already highly vitalized full moon with heightened emotion combined with enhanced conscious awareness brimming with clarity. We are gifted with the visual luminescent spectacle of the Moon’s close proximity to Earth.  Do look up over the next 3 days! Coupled with her sheer magnificence, we are endowed with intimate moments in which to become closer to ourselves and eamoonbuddhach other. 

Full Moons offer us a pinnacle moment in which we have the opportunity to fully realize an area within our lives, our psyches, our environment and the greater world. A potent truth, a prodigious illumination, a glistening awareness, alters the course of our set direction, as now we are navigating with a fresh perspective of our inner compass. 

At this time, Taurus the Bull, is attuning us to the inherent values of our soul. In recognizing these values, in questioning whether or not we are adhering to them in our daily lives, we also assess whether or not we are truly in a place of valuing our authentic selves. For it is only when one truly values the self, that we can value another. This Taurean Moon inspires us to value ourselves and each other as we all walk this path together at a most disparate juncture in our collective journey.

Taurus is a fixed earth sign, ruled by Venus. When the Moon is in Taurus, it is exalted.  This is the highest expression of the Moon. The qualities of silence, patience, steadfastness, determination, loyalty, peacefulness, tranquility, sensuality, beauty, nature, musicality and grounding are themes which are quietly beckoning us to their attunement.

Wherever Taurus resides in your natal chart is a distinct area in which you must live closely aligned to your particular values. It is a sector whereby valuing the inherent beauty of the self will only enhance your expression in the world, the positive affect you have upon others and the way in which you view and experience life.  In essence, wherever Taurus resides within you, is where you can relax. It is where the theme of your particular brand of peace resides. There, all is well, as long as you embrace your true value in a manner whereby you receive your divinity within your humanity.

What do you value about yourself? What is important to you? Who is important to you? Are you expressing yourself in a manner in which you are aligned with your core values? How can you honor your true nature? What brings you peace? How do you offer peace to others? What makes you happy? Where do you find your deepest tranquility?

As Taurus is the quintessential earth sign, communing with nature at this time offers healing and rejuvenation. Other Taurean activities such as making music, listening to music, nurturing the body through touch, pleasing the palette and quiet contemplation will serve you greatly at this time.

Despite worldly appearances, we are offered a deep swim in the sea of tranquility. Inner peace is available for the taking. Slow down and breath deeply over the coming days.



I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells. 

I honor the place in you which is of love, of truth,

of light, and of peace.

When you are in that place in you


I am in that place in me,


Donna Greco
