astrology readings

FULL MOON IN GEMINI: Cosmic Conversations

“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul… ~ Hermes Trismegistus ~

The Full Moon  arrives at 0 degrees of Gemini on Thursday, November 23 at 12:39 AM EST.

In the grand scheme of life, the Moon exemplifies a constancy which often goes unseen in this ever changing world. The Moon is always there, even in the darkness of its newness. When the Moon is full, we are full as well. When we tap into the inner most sanctum of our consciousness, the once dormant nature of our fullness reveals itself as a celebration of something innately present, long withheld from recognition and expression.  Awareness precedes transformation.

The inception of this revelation began at the New Moon, where seeds of intention were firmly planted in the rich soil of our fertile being. At this juncture, The Gemini Full Moon looms ever larger and brighter with an ebullience that symbolically exemplifies an exalted facet of our nature. We in turn experience an inner magnificence that beams with the luminosity of the soul’s true essence.

Wherever Gemini resides within your natal chart there is profound opportunity for the channeling of exquisite awareness and open communication.

Gemini is exemplary of the reconciliation of opposites, thus possessing an innate ability to facilitate unified consciousness in the face of a society that operates within a field of duality. As oppositional perspective is paramount to the suffering and hostility that abounds in this complicated and conflicted societal milieu, Gemini consciousness constitutes an unfettered awareness of opposites fueled by compassionate perspective. Gemini has a facile ability to be-hold all of it; thus hold all of it. When operating at it’s evolved level of expression, Gemini inspires us to see the bigger picture, behold the other; hence invoking a new humanistic landscape that will emerge when the dust of destructive duality settles into a field of unconditional unity.

Gemini The Twins is a mutable air sign ruled by Mercury. The enlightened qualities of Gemini are adaptability, versatility, charisma, vivaciousness, intellectualism, curiosity, self-expressiveness, communicativeness, independence, self-education, playfulness, humor, and wittiness. As the esoteric ruler of Gemini is Venus, Gemini is characterized as having a strong love vibration.

Gemini is the master sign for the reconciling of opposites, thus shedding light upon dualities with an innate ability to see the full spectrum of people, life, and circumstances.

As with all of the signs of the zodiac with their unique and varied expressions, there is a spectrum from which they operate depending upon the development of the individual’s personality and soul. The less evolved characteristics of Gemini include behavioral expressions of gossip, flightiness, restlessness, inconsistency, shallowness, and fragility.

The archetypes of Gemini include The Teacher, The Witness, The Storyteller, The Reporter, and The Trickster.

We are in the midst of powerful Gemini energy! A longing to communicate abounds! There is an air of anticipation. Words swim within the waters of the soul. It is an opportune time in which to speak of the inimitable truths that are upon our hearts. Heartfelt communion with another is the elixir of life. Fellowship leads to the unfolding of the true self as we serve as mirrors unto each other.

Stand in your truth with supple legs. Anoint yourself with sacred words. Speak them to yourself. Speak them with another. Behold the recognition that in doing so, you are speaking with The Divine.

Gemini Full Moon Blessings Upon You.

“Be impeccable with your word.” ~ Don Miguel Ruiz

“The more room you give yourself to express your true thoughts and feelings, the more room there is for your wisdom to emerge.” ~ Marianne Williamson ~

“In love all the contradiction of existence merge themselves and are lost. Only in love are unity and duality not at variance. Love must be one and two at the same time. Only love is motion and rest in one.” ~ Rabindranath Tagore ~



















FULL MOON IN TAURUS: The Order of Chaos

“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul… ~ Hermes Trismegistus ~

The Full Moon  arrives at 1 degree of Taurus on Wednesday, October 24 at 12:45 PM EDT. 

We are once again at the pinnacle of another round of awakening. The Lunar cycle is a microcosm of the Solar cycle. It takes one complete year for the Earth to orbit the Sun taking us through the zodiac, whereas the Moon cycle takes approximately one month to orbit the Earth. Thus we have small cycles within large cycles. The small cycles are no less powerful than the large cycles. They are however, more immediate pertaining to our personal world. Needless to say, Lunar cycles fly by. We need to stay awake for them. They shed light upon the nuts and bolts of our daily lives and the qualities of relationships that inhabit our world.

Taurus The Bull, is a fixed feminine earth sign ruled by Venus. The archetypes of Taurus are The Builder, The Earth Spirit, The Musician, and The Quiet One. Taurus rules the qualities and characteristics of peacefulness, presence, mindfulness, determination, groundedness, values, self-value, aesthetic appreciation, security, engagement with and commitment to the earth, highly developed senses, and sensuality. As Taurus is the quintessential earth sign, it is highly attuned to the earth, acting as a steward and cultivator of life in it’s myriad forms.

Each lunation is highly complicated depending upon which planets are involved with the cycle. This particular Full Moon is mired with the complexity of tremendous intricacy. The multi-dimensional experience now available to us is deep and vast. Do not resist the journey, but rather, embark upon it. We are multi-dimensional beings living in a multi-dimensional universe.

At this time, the qualities of Taurus are both challenged, and yet, greatly needed. We must be fully engaged with them. We must embody them. The Bull is surefooted. This steadfastness is greatly compromised by other planetary activity which closely accompanies the Moon. Taurus’s groundedness can assist us through what may seem like the disassembly of some facet of our lives. Hold fast to the earth, for the instability of this lunation will rock us to our core. Taurus is tenacious. We can hold onto ourselves even though it may feel like a tornado has swept us up and taken us to the Land of Oz.

During the next three days, there are tremendous karmic opportunities. They may not appear as beneficent circumstances. Whatever appears or disappears will greatly serve your soul. There is unpredictability in the air. A sense of urgency, anxiety, and anticipation presides. Soon, we will have a revelation.

Wherever Taurus resides in your natal chart is an area that will undergo dramatic change. This will happen in such a way as to clear your path for a more veritable journey with what will now become an ever enhanced authentic self. From this time forward, we will express ourselves in no less a manner than veracious.

We have undergone extremely difficult lunar phases over the past 2 years. We have been catapulted into our soul’s evolution. Each lunation offers us another round in which to reassemble another piece of our life puzzle.

Uranus and Venus coupled with the Lunar Nodes are forming  close partnerships to the Moon. It is within the realms of home, family, and relationships that these dramatic changes will most likely manifest. Uranus is the lightening rod that will electrify whatever it touches. It is the Great Awakener. Uranus shakes us up and moves us into our inherent nature; a nature that no longer subscribes to the rules and regulations of anyone or anything that has been dampening our lives. The Lunar Nodes present us with themes of the past; past lives as well as the life that is present. The Lunar Nodes point us toward our karmic curriculum. We have the advantage of deep karmic cleansing and reorientation toward the path less taken; our path.

Tune into your values. Live by them; for that is where security lies. Value yourself; for you are valuable. When we adhere to our values, a true and ardent life unfolds before us.

We are longing for order. In the grand scheme of life, there is chaos everywhere. Let us embrace that order is chaos and that chaos will order our lives.


“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”  ~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~

“In chaos, there is fertility.” ~ Anais Nin ~

“In the space between chaos and shape there was another chance.”  ~ Jeanette Winterson ~

“I like it that order exists somewhere even if it shatters near me.”  ~ Elizabeth Moon ~




NEW MOON IN LIBRA: The Circle of Darkness and Light

“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul… ~ Hermes Trismegistus ~

The New Moon  arrives at 15 degrees of Libra on Monday, October 8 at 11:46 PM EDT. 

The cyclical nature of life in all of its facets brings hope. We are in perpetual motion. Each phase of life has a beginning, a middle, and an end. We are swimming in circular motion circumventing the perennial process that both inspires and motivates the necessity for change in all of its myriad forms. The New Moon is the beginning of the circle which has no end.

Here we stand, having navigated the recent journey of this past lunation; different, wise, curious, and energized to begin yet another cycle of exploration. We are standing at the forefront of  a deeper layer of potential for our inner growth. We are, all together, a New Moon unto ourselves. What is calling to you? Where must you travel to reach your your next level of awareness?  In which areas do you wish to evolve? Just as the Moon, we are unto ourselves in constant flux. We will wax to fullness, recede into darkness, and begin anew. At this pivotal moment of the New Libra Moon, we are still in darkness, introspectively contemplating the seeds which we will sow. The ever constant Moon, our beloved satellite of the earth, teaches us that both the light and the darkness return to each other. And so it is with us.

Libra The Scales is a cardinal masculine air sign ruled by Venus. The archetypes of Libra are The Artist, The Lover, and The Peacemaker. Libra’s qualities include equilibrium, love, relational expression, aesthetic sensibility, inner harmony, peacefulness, fairness, partnering, inner balance, and social etiquette. Libra embodies the ability to embody consciously both the shadow and the light. The beauty of Libra is its exquisite expression of balance.

We embody all of these Libran qualities. They reside in a specific area of our natal chart. They are activated for each of us in different styles and manners. These qualities are profoundly available to incorporate into wherever this particular New Moon cycle falls for us. Knowledge of one’s natal chart is extremely helpful in understanding the specific area that is during this time, calling forth.

As with all lunar cycles, the qualities of the sign are always accompanied by other planets and configurations that add both texture and complexity to our current experience. We are meant to carry these other facets into the lunar cycle, thus developing those planetary qualities within the realms in which they wish to express. Of particular importance to this lunation is Venus, the ruler of Libra, which has entered its retrograde cycle. As the planetary ruler of Libra, Venus and the challenges that she faces figure ever more prominently in her expression of Libra at this time.

A retrograde cycle is likened to the concept of the underworld as it leads us into the more unconscious dimensions of that planet, thus into the darkness, where we can embrace our shadow with love and acceptance. This is an essential undertaking in order for our return to the light. Venus embarks upon the underworld every 18 months for 40 days and 40 nights. As Venus is in retrograde motion, our relationships take on new meaning. We contemplate those with whom we are intimate. We evaluate our relational patterns. We look into the relationship that we have with ourselves. We gaze upon the other with new eyes. As with all underworldly experiences, not only must we accept our own darkness, we must allow our loved ones their darkness as well. This is where true love in its myriad forms resides. Libran love requires that we embrace this duality.

Pluto is closely accompanying this lunation. Pluto’s close companionship with the Sun and the Moon intensifies even further the underworld experience. How do we embark upon this without fear? Fear of loss. Fear of death. Fear of each other. Fear of life itself. It is only in meeting our shadow with open arms that we can find our way through the tunnel that leads us to the light. It takes courage, faith, and non-attachment to how we may behold ourselves. No one wishes to face the darker aspects of their character. However, in doing so, we emancipate our soul.

As we navigate both the light and the dark, we grow our love to fruition. We sweep out the cobwebs that have been hiding in the corners of our psyche. We rise from the ashes. We shed our old skin. We gaze into the mirror and look upon our new complection. We are winter. We are summer. We are autumn and spring.

In both shadow and in light, we are equally magnificent.

Libra New Moon blessings upon you.

“The sun does not abandon the moon to darkness.”  ~ Brian A. McBride ~ 

“The most precious light is the one that visits you in your darkest hour!”  ~ Mehmet Murat ildan ~

“Every ending is a new beginning. Through the grace of God, we can always start again.

~ Marianne williamson ~






“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul… ~ Hermes Trismegistus ~

The New Moon  arrives at 17 degrees of Virgo on Sunday, September 9 at 2:01 PM EDT. 

As each New Moon arrives, we are stirred by a fresh facet of universal consciousness. There is an area within our lives which has reached completion. It is time to begin anew. There are whispers of our names upon the air. Listen. Can you hear your name? Universal intelligence is guiding us upon the next leg of our journey. At this time, there is a hidden roadmap. Over the next three days, this cosmic map will unfold before us, providing guidance and direction.

The New Moon is a time of deep introspection. While communing intimately with the interior self, knowledge of our authentic divine nature awakens. As this knowledge pours forth, we are in turn awakened to it.

The ground has been prepared. The seeds are planted. Upon our own steadfastness within this new awareness, a gradual process of becoming will lead to fruition. We may not feel our legs just yet. When three days have passed, when the Moon emerges into her Crescent phase, we too will begin to emerge.  For now; hunker down. And listen.

Virgo The Virgin is a feminine mutable earth sign ruled by Mercury. Virgo is the quintessential sign of service unto others. The Virgoan path is one of helpership. As a sign possessed of humility and quietude, Virgo reminds us that in order to guide others, we must first look within. For we cannot become what we do not recognize. We cannot give what we do not have. We cannot impart what we do not know. We can only draw upon an inner knowing infused by the heart. Herein lies a mastery of serving each other and the world.

As the New Moon’s close companion is Neptune, it is a time of tremendous sensitivity. Neptune is the planet of otherworldliness, creativity, mysticism, spirituality, empathy, and collective suffering. Virgo and Neptune are perfect cohorts; as together they facilitate grounded compassionate awareness. We are seeing beyond three dimensional reality whereby the meaning of our incarnation goes far beyond our personal desires to a strong and fervent yearning to serve. The cries of the world are upon us. An attunement to the divine unification of all life is coursing through our veins.

This New Moon serves as a grounding force whereby we have the ability to hold onto ourselves while extending ourselves at the same time. We are feeling the woman in Saudi Arabia who has been arrested. We are feeling immigrant parents and their children, estranged from each other. We are feeling the animals, whose habitat is being stolen away. We are feeling those who are victims in the throes of brutal wars.

While this New Moon is heightening our awareness to such circumstances in the world, this awareness is always upon us. It may not always be at the edge of our consciousness, but it is there. As inherently psychic beings, everyone knows everything. We are one psychic organism. At this time the universe is doing a cosmic reset within our personal lives as well as in all of humanity. We are primed for an expanded awareness of everything and everyone. From this new awareness emanates the desire to become better so that we can be better for each other.

There is also an opportunity for an expanded awareness of joy. Suffering and joy are not mutually exclusive. We can walk hand in hand with both. In doing so, we bear even greater gifts to the world. As we attune to sadness and joy; the personal and the collective; let us know that service is not always a grand gesture. Service is an attitude. It can inhabit all areas of life with every breath that we take.

Do you long to contribute in service? What do you deeply care about? Which area of your life is being honed and perfected? How can you best serve your body? Where do you reside in quiet joy? How can you accomplish a small task with great love? To who, what, and where are you being called?

In such chaotic times as these, know that we have ourselves, we have each other, and we have the world. That’s a whole lot.

Just show up.

The world needs you


“Where would You have me go? What would You have me do? What would You have me say, and to whom?”  ~ Daily Prayer,  A COURSE IN MIRACLES ~

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”  ~ Mahatma Gandhi ~

“Just like a sunbeam can’t separate itself from the sun, and a wave can’t separate itself from the ocean, we can’t separate ourselves from one another. We are all part of a vast sea of love, one indivisible divine mind.”   Marianne Williamson ~



FULL MOON IN PISCES: Rising To The Surface

“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul… ~ Hermes Trismegistus ~

The Full Moon  arrives at 3 degrees of pisces on Sunday, August 26 at at 7:56 AM EDT.

Throughout the summer, we have been immersed within a time of tremendous complexity and challenge. We are processing the life changes brought about by the long eclipse cycle which is still upon us. In some cases, we are still deep in the throes of dramatic shifts. Adding to the challenging eclipse cycle, we have had six planets simultaneously moving in retrograde motion;  Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Retrograde cycles, while offering many opportunities in which to reflect and reassess, also cast confusion, frustration, and misunderstanding upon our lives.  As Mercury has recently gone direct, and Mars will go direct on August 27, we are starting to feel at least a little bit lighter than before. Needless to say, it’s been a tumultuous time, one in which we have had no choice but to face our deepest fears.

As the dust settles, we look upon a new landscape. At first glance, there may be shock. As we settle into acceptance and surrender, our emotional life springs forth with new information. The message is that we can endure. We are thriving. And mostly, we are living alongside of our feeling lives, allowing for the congealment of both experience and emotion.

Whenever the cosmos presents us with Pisces The Fishes, we have the supreme opportunity to awaken what lies asleep in the depths of our being. The element of water awakens deep emotional realms where we can either sink or swim. We can fearfully and resistively plummet to the ocean floor or we can willingly and courageously take the plunge and rise to the surface. The level of consciousness that we bring to our emotional lives at this juncture will determine the course that we will take. The choice is ours to make. We can choose to drown in the throes of a tidal wave; or thrive within the flow of smooth currents. Perhaps we need to sink a little before we can swim. Whatever the case may be, going deeply within and communing with that which is unspeakable will be the life raft that carries us to the shore of emotional transformation. It is only then, that we can begin the real voyage.

Pisces The Fishes is a mutable feminine water sign ruled by Neptune. Prominent archetypal themes for this sign include The Dreamer, The Poet, The Mystic, The Martyr and The Redeemer. Pisces embodies the qualities of compassion, empathy, heightened sensitivity, imagination, mysticism, artistry, creativity, dreaminess, other-worldliness, changeability, and attunement to the Divine. As one of the most complicated and mysterious signs of the zodiac, the place where it resides within our own chart is difficult territory to charter. And yet, the complexity of such mystery and sensitivity bears the gift of creative healing for ourselves and each other.

In the wake of this Full Moon, we have full access to our primal emotional nature as a means for rising up and breaking through. We are discovering that we are both the dreamer and the dream. Psychic sensibilities are heightened. As we rise to the surface of our psyche, we can see the horizon. Everything is crystal clear as light upon a placid sea.

Pisces Full Moon Blessings Upon You.

“Our feelings are our most genuine paths to knowledge.” ~ Audre Lorde ~

“Suffering is a journey which has an end. ” ~ Matthew Fox ~

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ~



The mantram of the astrologer is: AS ABOVE, SO BELOW.  This is my prayer, my incantation; as I serve to translate the divine urging of this sacred juncture that is set before us. 

The Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse arrives at 4 degrees of Aquarius on Friday, July 27 at at 4:20 PM EDT.

We are perhaps in one of the most intense and prolific ecliptic cycles in decades.  As all eclipse cycles stir things up and portend change, this particular Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is accompanied by challenging planetary and nodal aspects which set it apart from recent ecliptic events. We are at the midpoint of  this season of eclipses. We have already experienced the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 12th. We will have yet another Solar Eclipse in Leo on August 11th. All three of these are intertwined within a complex network of powerful energetic forces which compel and impell. This is a very long eclipse, of which its duration is 3 hours and 55 minutes. While we will not be able to view it from the United States, is has no less effect upon us.

Eclipses shed a spotlight on a very specific realm of our life. They bear uncomfortability within the self. As the Moon becomes temporarily blocked by the earth’s shadow, obstructing the sun’s light, we are driven to temporarily dwell within the shadowy realms of our own psyches. In doing so, in allowing this process to unfold, we are facilitating the expressive release of our inner light. The greatest gold of our being lies beneath the shadow.

The dark matter within the spiraling whirlpools of our psyches is being washed ashore. We are standing at the shoreline. Swim out to greet it. For many during this time, it is as St. John of the Cross referred to as “the dark night of the soul.” In the midst of this black night, we encounter our shadow. Welcome it. The acknowledgement of this painful realm of our consciousness longs for recognition and love before the light of transformation can stream forth to illuminate our way. This process may not be painless; yet, by embracing our inner sage, we can see ourselves to the other side of our current reality. We are in the throes of a paradigm shift within our own lives.

The challenges of the human condition, whether within the realm of collective global events or personal human affairs, are heightened in such a way that it may seem that there is no hope; no way out or through. Eons of historic karmic inheritance are reigning upon us in ways which are provoking stress and sadness of an immense nature. There is trepidation of loss. Keep in mind; no matter what your life challenges may hold at this time, there is a magnitude of potential in which to eliminate our negative inherited karmic patterns so that we may reap the rewards of our positive inherited karma.

The ground beneath our feet is shifting in seismic proportions. While this writing is not intended to portend such dire circumstance which appear as hopeless, it is helpful and validating to know that life as we know is being swept away so that we may open a portal into our own lives in which to make room and welcome the next level of our path. Relationships of significance, ones in which we have invested with our heart and soul, are falling away. The gravitational pull that we are experiencing is leading us to our greater good and the greater good of those around us. Even though the present circumstances may be devastating, take heart. I ask you to take heart. For in order to embrace and participate in our own unique and evolutionary process, crisis first presents itself thrusting us into a higher dimension of our core self. We are in the midst of casting off the dust and dander of negative patterns that have restrained us from virtually everything our hearts desire. We may not have recognized until now, the level of oppression, stress, and unfulfillment that we have been living with day to day for so long. Now, we have a golden opportunity in which to break free of calcified inherited negative karmic patterns that have inhibited and prevented us from harvesting the karmic gifts and rewards which we have earned from the distant past. We now claim an evolved karmic inheritance, one in which we have long awaited.

We have been the road block to ourselves. Once we recognize that, we will emerge from this time facing a wide open highway that leads to a bridge to the other side, which if followed, will allow us to channel our highest self. New experiences lift us out of our comfort zones, no matter how negative and miserable they may have been. We have been comfortable in the most painful of circumstances, not knowing how to change; unable to gather the courage to take the leap. Now, we have no choice, for our circumstances will dictate the new directions in which to go. And yet within these unwanted experiences and situations, we have free will. We are endowed with choice. We can say Yes! Bring it on! Clear the way!

Open your heart. Stride toward the unknown. This re-orientation is an initiation. Life as we have known it will be no more. Sadness may erupt. Allow the pain to flow through you. Tears cleanse the body and nourish the earth.

Within this pinnacle moment of high emotion, we have the crystalline, clear minded, detached, truth- sayer company of Aquarius The Water Bearer. Let the waters flow from and to you. What you have reaped, you will sow. What you have sown, you will reap. There is no duality of punishment or reward. There is only inheritance. Honor who you are, who you have been, and who you will become.

Then is now. Now is Then. We are walking between the worlds.

Aquarius Full Moon Eclipse Blessings Upon You.

“Karma, when properly understood, is just the mechanics through which consciousness manifests”  ~ Deepak Chopra~ 

Karma brings us ever back to rebirth, binds us to the wheel of births and deaths. Good Karma drags us back as relentlessly as bad, and the chain which is wrought out of our virtues holds as firmly and as closely as that forged from our vices. ~ Annie Besant ~

Things don’t just happen in this world of arising and passing away. We don’t live in some kind of crazy, accidental universe. Things happen according to certain laws, laws of nature. Laws such as the law of karma, which teaches us that as a certain seed gets planted, so will that fruit be.

~ Sharon Salzberg ~



The mantram of the astrologer is: AS ABOVE, SO BELOW.  This is my prayer, my incantation; as I serve to translate the divine urging of this sacred juncture that is set before us. 

The Full Moon  arrives at 6 degrees of Capricorn on Thursday, June 28 at at 12:52 AM EDT

The splendor and magnificence of a Full Moon transports us from the ordinary to the extraordinary. While Full Moon cycles provide us with high energy and emotional magnitude, they also stir the cauldron of our multidimensional souls; for the soul contains a potpourri of dualistic ingredients. The Full Moon is a magnificent mirror which provides us with an opportunity to look within; to really look. As we look deeply within, we are graced with the ability to look without as well; for Full Moons are quite relationally revealing; offering insight, illumination, and awakening.

We often traverse our lives in a sort of trance state, weighted down by emotional stagnation; an accumulation of wounds, sorrows, and woes. At this juncture we are suffering from a state of ennui, a world weariness which often leads us to boredom, depression, lethargy, and restlessness. We are also filled with a sense of heightened responsibility within our own lives as well as for the collective conditions of humanity. While this Capricorn Full Moon, fueled by Saturn, will highlight these themes within our own lives, we are imbued with the opportunity for both fervent and disciplined emotional expression. As we honor the realm of the Moon which is our emotional milieu we pave our own road to healing and self-realization.

The cosmic tone is one of elevated seriousness and the call to situations which require great responsibility. We may not exactly welcome additional responsibility, however, rising to the challenge of what is set before us links us to true devotion of the moment. The Capricorn Moon will be the grounding force providing us with steadfastness, patience, and adherence to the path. Thus, we look to the qualities of Capricorn to see us through this arduous and trans-formative interlude of time.

Capricorn The Sea-Goat is a cardinal feminine earth sign ruled by Saturn. Capricorn embodies the archetypes of The Hermit, The Father, and The Prime Minister. Capricorn loves a challenge, even in the face of being daunted by what lies ahead. The Sea-Goat is an ancient mythological creature with great stamina. He will climb the highest mountain and swim the widest ocean to arrive at his destination of accomplishment.

Capricorn needs solitude in order to commune with the deep complexity that it’s ruler, Saturn, brings. While there is a tremendous desire for great accomplishment, there is also a deep seated fear of failure. Capricorn is daunted by the unconscious life; that place deep within our psyche.  It is here where one is being called to express in this lifetime. The time for realization of our destiny is now. Within the patterns of our destiny, there is free will. 

During this lunation, Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler, is coupled with the Moon. This carries a heightened tone of seriousness for Capricorn. Saturn requires much of us during our lifetime. It speaks to discipline, integrity, accomplishment, and the sincere intent to walk the path.Whatever that path may be, and wherever that path may lead, Saturn only wishes for us to stand in our own authority as we make this incarnational journey. Some questions we may ask ourselves at this time: Who is the author of my own life? And if I am not the author of my life, who is then authoring it for me? Am I living from a place of of my own self-authority? Am I expressing my life force from a place of true authenticity?  Where along the way do the brambles, sticks, and stones need clearing so that I may align myself with my soul’s true calling? If nothing else, we are embracing this time with a seriousness that is both sacred and necessary. The ever seeming mountain that stands before us, once climbed, is our gateway to karmic cleansing.

This Capricorn Full Moon cycle is facilitating our journey with the drive, strength and grounded determination that we need to move inner mountains. By doing so, we will clear a path. Once this path unfolds before us we will find determined strength to climb what we have once perceived as an unreachable peak. Once we reach the summit and see what lies on the other side, we will not be disappointed. Even if the journey has been a bit messy, a long awaited realization will have congealed to perfection.

Capricorn needs solitude in order to commune with the deep complexity that it’s ruler, Saturn, brings. While there is a tremendous desire for great accomplishment, there is also a deep seated fear of failure. Capricorn is daunted by their own greatness. Wherever Capricorn resides in your natal chart, is an area of great profundity, one which must be adhered to from a place of authenticity and self-authority. It is an area where you are being called to high achievement. And yet, this very realm may be challenged along the way with limitations, setbacks and delays. As a result, Capricorn can suffer from the proverbial inferiority complex. One of Capricorn’s most significant evolutionary tasks is to stay the course with the understanding that there are no shortcuts in attaining one’s goal. Capricorn’s ruler, Saturn, will test one’s character and self-confidence over and over again. This is when we call upon our inner Sea-Goat.

A most challenging three days is upon us. The Capricorn Moon will be the grounding force providing us with steadfastness, patience, and adherence to the path. Thus, we look to the qualities of Capricorn to see us through this arduous and trans-formative interlude of time.

Capricorn The Sea-Goat embodies the qualities of authority, discipline, discipleship, solitude, accomplishment, melancholy, seriousness, determination, tenacity, boundaries, limitations and challenges. When Capricorn is out of balance, the less evolved expressions of aggressiveness, competitiveness, selfishness, avarice, depression and emotional stagnation arise. As a cardinal earth sign ruled by Saturn. Capricorn embodies the archetypes of The Hermit, The Father, and The Prime Minister. Capricorn loves a challenge, even in the face of being daunted by what lies ahead. The Sea-Goat is an ancient mythological creature with great stamina. He will climb the highest mountain and swim the widest ocean to arrive at his destination of accomplishment.

As the Moon’s softness hosts Saturn, we have an opportunity to sculpt an emotional form wherein lies the interior of profound feelings.  A deep and responsible relationship with the self contributes to the inter-relational experience colored by love and expressed with integrity.

During this challenging three day interval of heaviness, know that when we pick up the load, our lives become en-lightened.

Within the realm of density, there is ebullient light. The permutation of density is destiny. Pick up your destiny, wrap your arms around it, and carry it to the mountain

Capricorn Full Moon Blessings Upon You.

With faith, discipline, and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.
~ Muhammad Ali Jinnah ~

Without discipline, there’s no life at all. ~ Katharine Hepburn ~

Chasing angels or fleeing demons, go to the mountains.”  ~ Jeffrey Rasley ~




The mantram of the astrologer is: AS ABOVE, SO BELOW.  This is my prayer, my incantation; as I serve to translate the divine urging of this sacred juncture that is set before us. 

The Full Moon  arrives at 8 degrees of Sagittarius on Tuesday, May 29 at 10:19 AM EDT

A miraculous time for the healing heart is upon us. We are imbued with full spectrum light as the Moon in her radiance emanates the visionary centaur consciousness of Sagittarius. Emotional revelation awaits us. It is time to en-lighten our worldly load with mindful understanding of ourselves and each other as we envision and embrace the next chapter of our emotional lives. Living from the center of our own hearts, our own life’s colorful palette of  wonder and experience  vividly expands into whole hearted engagement with each other and the world at large.

The disengaged heart is a lonely heart. It takes courage to feel; really feel. The universe holds all that we will ever need. The expanded energies of this lunation gives us the opportunity to tap into our inner emotional resources so that we may line our lives with soft nourishment.

Broken hearts are open hearts. After the heartache of recent months, we are now engulfed by universal love that also speaks to the personal realms of our lives. This lunation offers us the ability to flow with our emotions in a manner which serves the expansion of our emotional bodies.

Emotional truth is quiet. It allows us to wrap our own arms around our precious selves with an awareness that speaks to our internal world. It reorients us to the people we love and the people of the world whose lives we may never know. Our emotions expand at this time with compassion for the human condition. With gratitude for the many gifts and privileges that grace our lives, we can hold within our hearts those who are suffering as we extend the compassionate heart beyond the boundaries of the enclosed self.

Take heart.

We are being graced with a reprieve from the arduous lunations and planetary cycles of recent months which tapped into our intrinsic wounds. For there is a beautiful trio of fellow travelers who are accompanying this Full Moon; a perfect grand water trine between Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune. Water is emotion. This exquisite trio of fellow travelers are represented as a trinity of love, vision, and transcendance; all serving together as a great perfecter of the healing  heart. We have walked through the fire and now find ourselves floating along the oceanic realm of this transcendental current.  There is a flow, a dance, a perfect current that carries us to enlightened awareness of our own emotional lives as well as of those we love. We can see, really see. We can feel, really feel.

Recent planetary configurations have challenged us with turmoil, both internally and externally. This Full Moon offers hope and vision for a newly discovered emotional life that we have long awaited. The heart is beating like a sacred ceremonious drum. Feel the rhythm of receptivity to the universe’s plans for us. We are walking upon sacred ground as we discover the ethereal realms from which we emanated from; realms too easily forgotten as we journey this earthly domain. Now, we are brilliantly reminded from where we have originated; we can touch it, feel it, taste it. Our feet are a bit above the ground as we embrace the comfort that is upon us; comfort that we can embody and carry with us into the future, when challenges will inevitably arise again.

Our natal Moon informs us of our basic emotional and instinctual nature. As the most tender and vulnerable part of us, the Moon reveals the ways in which we need to be nurtured as well as how we nurture others. Thus, by attuning to our individual Moon, we are presented with a wealth of emotional intelligence, self-knowledge, compassion, and understanding. In essence, the Moon is the realm of our soul’s healing. The Moon is the nascent territory of our emotional expedition.

During this prolific Full Moon cycle, the Moon’s sign speaks to an enhanced awareness of the next step for our emotional evolution. The manner in which we are being cosmically informed may seem foreign to us, yet it is a necessary layer serving as a specialized lens to bring us into focus for the next leg of our journey.

Sagittarius is offering us a bigger picture beyond the petty concerns of the mundane world. An orb of true reflection is cast before us. We must first see before we can feel. We must first feel before we can understand. Self-understanding is the ability to stand under oneself.

The Full Moon is always in exact opposition by sign and degree to the Sun. Moon in Sagittarius and Sun in Gemini gaze upon each other with admiration as they unveil the revelation. They are luminary partners in consciousness; strutting the dance of duality in the midst of a vibrant conversation, enticing us to explore our emotional thought forms. The most intellectual and literary duo of the constellation is beckoning us to rewrite our emotional scripts.

Sagittarius The Centaur is a mutable masculine fire sign. Sagittarius embodies the archetypes of Gypsy, Student and Philosopher. They are the great seekers; high-minded, idealistic and visionary. Sagittarius longs for journey and exploration, both without and within. They will wander to the ends of the earth, to the brink of their psyche, in pursuit of greater meaning. There is tremendous restlessness accompanied by an inherent need for personal freedom. As a fire sign, there is enthusiasm, optimism, and buoyancy.

Sagittarius has an inexorable desire for knowledge, persistently seeking to understand the laws of the universe amidst the struggle to be human. The reconciliation of earthly existence and spiritual evolution is deeply Sagittarian. After all, who would know better of this human-spirit duality than one who is half horse and half human?

Wherever Sagittarius resides in your natal chart, is a most distinct area of profound truth. Within this very region, there is a deep longing for freedom. At this time, the transiting Full Moon in Sagittarius is expanding the heart throughout many dimensions.

As we bask in the highly evolved vibration of this lunation, take heart. It is yours for the taking.

Sagittarius Full Moon Blessings Upon You.

“Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts.”  ~ Paramahansa Yogananda ~

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside awakens.”  ~ Carl Jung ~

“Have a vision. It is the ability to see the invisible. If you can see the invisible, you can achieve the impossible.”

~ Shiv Khera ~







The Full Moon  arrives at 9 degrees of Scorpio on Sunday, April 29 at 8:58 PM EDT. 

A most tempestuous week has been upon us. Scorpio’s dual rulers, Mars and Pluto, have been in tight configuration. As these two planets are both passionate and volatile, they have been brilliantly priming us for Scorpio’s intensely demanding Full Moon activation.

This week has been an arduous warm up to an ensuing marathon of challenging all encompassing emotions. Let us run alongside them; keep up with them.  As they embark upon us, we in turn embark upon them. In the end, we celebrate a reunion of the abandoned parts of the self  that have only served to painfully estrange us from ourselves and each other. At this auspicious juncture, there is  profound opportunity to reclaim the lost lonely parts of ourselves that have been longing for recognition, acceptance, and expression.

The Scorpio Full Moon arrives with the continuance of the Mars – Pluto alignment. This is a perfect storm. Mars, Pluto, and the Scorpio Moon combined, initiate volatility and passion of volcanic proportions. Whether we are feeling it inwardly toward ourselves or find ourselves embroiled with personal, family, and professional relationships, these intense conflicts, both inner and outer, are serving to awaken our inner Rip Van Winkle. Deep dimensions of the self have been long asleep. This awakening may feel like the platonic plates of our lives are shifting beneath our toes; they are.  A transformational event of significant proportion is about to hatch from the pain of this current hardship. We have felt it coming. The universe has been providing portents along the way.

We may not recognize ourselves or our lives once we rise to the challenge of this breakthrough. Where Scorpio and Pluto are concerned, the only choice that we do have is how we will respond to the inevitable. We can ride the wave of the acceptance of conscious transformation or drown in the rip tide of unconscious stagnation.

Scorpio The Scorpion is a feminine fixed water sign, ruled by Mars and Pluto. The Scorpion is a primordial creature. Scorpio rules death, transformation, transmutation, regeneration, depth psychology, the shadow of the human psyche, sex, intensity, secrecy, privacy, deep emotion, the occult and power. Archetypes for the sign of Scorpio are The Transformer, The Detective, The Sorcerer, The Hypnotist, The Alchemist, and The Witch.

We are the phoenix rising from the ashes. We are the snake shedding it’s old skin in order to give birth to a new tender yet tenacious skin. We are the eagle soaring to great heights, with a complete perspective of the landscape below. All within the realm of Scorpio, these mythological and nature images serve to show us the spirituous tasks that Scorpio has set before us. Power as we know it, is irrevocably transmuted.

Scorpio invites us to deeply enter the caverns of our psyche. We are vigilantly crawling on hands and knees along the narrow path that we must traverse. We need to look above and below; from within and without. There is no map. Practical vision serves no purpose in the darkness. Only our own heart can navigate the stormy underworld of dark emotion. They emanate from the present life and multiple lifetimes past. Scorpio is the emotional memory keeper of our soul’s evolution.

The Scorpio Full Moon is one of the most challenging lunar cycles of the year. And yet, it offers the most profound opportunity for delving into our inner darkness in order to dig for the buried treasure which contains the pure gold of our true nature. According to A Course In Miracles, darkness is the absence of light; fear is the absence of love. This interval of time, over the next three days, we can remove our full coat of armor and present ourselves to the self; unshielded, unguarded, naked as a new born baby; so that we may strip away that which holds us captive. There are quite a few of us within who are longing to reunite. Allow for the reunion.

Wherever Scorpio resides in your chart is where you are a transformation agent for fellow travelers.

Become a fire walker. Build your own funeral pyre. Dance in the flames.

If you were a super hero, which magical power would you choose? Know that you possess this now.


“Transformation means literally going beyond your form.” ~ Wayne Dyer ~

“Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one.” 

~Marianne Williamson ~

“Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity ” ~  Carl Jung ~

So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing. ~ T.S. Eliot ~


Photo By John Fowler from Placitas, NM, USA – GG Holy Ghost Panel

FULL MOON IN LIBRA: Balancing The Heart

The Full Moon  arrives at 10 degrees of Libra on Saturday, March 31 at 8:36 AM EDT. 

Wherever the Moon is, there is splendor. No matter her phase; no matter her appearance, she is magnificent. The Full Moon phase is perhaps the most splendid of all. Her radiant orb looms largely above and upon us. We are filled with a sense of constancy. She evokes all manner of  layered emotions, filtering the particles of confusion and unfulfillment from our psychic atmosphere. Her replete presence calls forth from us full spectrum consciousness in which to inform and inspire our process of transformation. From here, we proceed with vision of tremendous magnitude.

One can liken this to an arduous yet successful mountain climb. We are standing at the top of the mountain with a clear unfettered view of the night’s spectacular sky, reflecting the radiant light which we all embody; yet, in which we darken with the unconscious threads of self-destruction which tether us to rocky ground. Herein lies a choice. We can view and experience the multidimensional realms before us; or, we can remain in the limited oppressive land of three dimensional reality which says, “All that you see is all that there is.” It is our choice. We all have the capacity and strength to shift our awareness. We only have to embrace this optimal cycle which is upon us.

During the pinnacle of the Moon’s unwavering presence, light is shed upon our questions and concerns. A message is delivered to a relational circumstance or situation long pondered. Perhaps there has been something in particular that has been looming largely in the invisible background of our heart’s domain.

That which is repressed becomes distorted. When we ignore the pure energy of enlightenment that the Full Moon offers to us, we can potentially become fueled with a sort of mania driven by the irrational forces of the unconscious mind.

Libra The Scales is a cardinal masculine air sign ruled by Venus. The archetypes of Libra are The Artist, The Lover, and The Peacemaker. Libra’s qualities include equilibrium, love, relational expression, aesthetic sensibility, inner harmony, peacefulness, fairness, partnering, inner balance, and social etiquette. Libra embodies the ability to embody consciously both the shadow and the light. As each zodiac sign has an evolved manifestation coupled with a distinct shadow manifestation, Libra does so no less. Libra’s shadow emerges within the realm of relationships most of all. Libra fears conflict, thus prone to over-compromise.This often results in people pleasing of the highest order. Thus, an opportunity to engage in healthy discourse can seem daunting. This in turn can be an act of self-betrayal.

Libra longs for love; love of the courtly sort: the state of aesthetic love which emanates longing for balance and equality. When the scales are tipped, the Libran heart is torn asunder.

Wherever Libra resides in your star chart, there is tremendous longing for true connection and partnership. It is an area in which the aesthetics of grace, tenderness, and true partnership are both required and lived forthrightly.

During this highly relational Full Moon, Mercury, The Messenger of The Gods, provides steady compansionship, offering a prime opportunity for open hearted communication. Mercury is a fine companion for the Moon, as he lightens her up and assists with an ever heightened awareness of the destructiveness of dualistic thinking. Both Libra and Mercury can see beyond the extreme rationale that only serves to divide and separate us from each other, thus mending the bridge to true compassion and understanding. This is a time to grow beyond duality.

The recent weeks have been heavily fueled by Mars. Anger has been palpable. There may be regrets relating to our own words and behavior as well as challenges to forgive the irate behavior and unkind words of others. Mars reminds us of our inner warrior, demanding the delineation of boundaries within the realm of passion. The heart centered Libra energy is challenged at this time with a field of aggression. There is room for both, as they each are necessary. In pure Libra fashion, we can unite them as an efficacious collaboration for balancing relationship, both with the self and with others.

The heart has four chambers. Are they balanced? Do they flow between each other? We can hold it all, as long as those chambers have equal distribution of the myriads of emotional understanding and lucid expression. We have a choice. Making choices poses challenges for Libra.  So the feeling realm must be invoked by the higher self. For it is the heart that truly knows.

As we embrace the first Full Moon of Spring, commune with both the light and the shadows that the Moon casts before us. They are reminiscent of the light and shadow that we exchange with each other.

We all are mirrors. Who is gazing back at you? What do you wish to reflect upon the world? First we must look within our own mirror. Only when we embrace the reflection of the self, can we receive the reflection of another.  Mutual reflection met with receptivity balances the heart. The balanced heart balances the world. When the world is balanced, our hearts are set free.

Libra Full Moon Blessings Upon You.

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” ~ C.G. Jung ~

“When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.”
Kahlil Gibran ~

“Happiness is what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi ~