NEW MOON IN ARIES: “To Thine Own Self Be True”

The New Moon arrives at 7 degrees of Aries on Sunday, March 27 at 10:57 PM EDT. 

New Moons offer us a three day window of time in which to embark upon a new emotional cycle.  As life unfolds before us each day, our emotions like the Moon,  wax and wane; like the ocean, ebb and flow. We are after all, liquid beings. Our physical bodies are 50-65% water. The Moon is the harbinger of oceanic tides as well as the steward of human emotions.

Our emotional body is an entity unto itself, exerting influences which bare great significance upon each and every area of our lives. Attuning to the lunar cycles coupled with astute awareness of where they appear in the natal chart, greatly assists us on our soul’s journey. The Moon is a prolific reminder that life is in a continuous state of flux. During each New Moon, we are washed ashore to a new landscape which offers us a new horizon yet unseen. Upon our arrival, we are filled with aspiration.

As the Spring Equinox is the astrological New Year, the Aries New Moon is a prolific time in which to embrace one’s nascent self. We are now as seedlings, pushing up through the earth, emerging as a new life form. Aries is the instinctual life force! Aries is the will to exist.

Aries The Ram is a cardinal fire sign embodying the archetypes of The Pioneer, The Warrior, The Daredevil, The Loner and The Survivor. Aries exudes the qualities of individuality, assertiveness, innovativeness, independence, courage, aggression, passion, ferocity and leadership. Keep in mind, that often times an Aries person does not naturally possess these characteristics, but rather, has come into this incarnation to explore and learn them. As with every sign, there is an evolutionary scale. While we possess the inherent potential and soul knowledge, some of the qualities and characteristics of a sign are still in process. We strive to bring those hidden areas of ourselves, both the flawed and the virtuous, into consciousness; for consciousness itself is the great emancipator.

Along with the Sun and Moon in Aries, these luminaries are accompanied by Venus, Mercury and Uranus, also in Aries. Thus we are endowed with a potent infusion of the fire element providing an optimization of our life force in which exuberance, determination, optimism, faith, confidence and courage are ever present as we embark on the next leg of the journey. Follow the path. It is a road not yet taken. It is solely your own.

We must be true and brave to the core of our being. Our own unique instinctual brilliance is our vital life force. When we deny our true nature, when we ignore our instinctual knowledge, anger explodes as lave from a volcano. While we may believe we are angry at a person or a situation, we are in fact really angry at the self.

Where have you been untrue to yourself? Aries challenges us to face this awareness as an impetus for change so that we may purely express our true nature from the core of our being.

Light your torch. Shed your own light.  There is nobody such as you.

Aries New Moon Blessings Upon You

“To thine own self be true.”- Polonius in Hamlet, William Shakespeare

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the road less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

– Robert Frost –

“If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have the capacity  at the beginning.” – Mahatma Gandhi

” Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson –



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